Chapter 4

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Enjoy the story!!!

____________________Your POV_______________________

"DAMMIT LOLA THAT REALLY HURT YOU KNOW!!!!!" you shout at the small child in front of you while you roll your neck around trying to relive some of the uncomfortable pressure from it being severed moments before.

"Well it's not my fault if you pushed shorty over there out of the way!" Lola says while pointing at Levi.

"Yes it is you dumbass and do me a favor and get out of that pathetic form will you its very annoying" you say back.

"Aw, well your no fun." Lola mumbles as her entire form begins to glow and gets larger. While this was going on everyone else seems to be standing around trying to figure out what the hell is happening.

After the glow has stopped what appears in front of me is no longer a 10 year old girl but, a 27 year old women with dirty blond hair that goes about 2 inches past her shoulders.

"There, happy joy-killer" she says. "Call me whatever you want but, just know that a dumbass will always be a dumbass." you spit back.

"Oh. Speaking of dumbasses where are the other two?" you ask curiously ignoring everyone's stares. "How the hell am I suppose to know that as soon as we got here they disappeared to avoid detection; you should know their strategy by now." she says in a carefree tone.

You gave out a long sigh as you close your eyes in order to pinpoint their location. When you finally found their location you walk over to a dark area of the courtyard and started to shout out " Hey come on out already, if you don't I'll drag you out myself!" While shouting this everyone started to look at the same spot you did, only to find it completely empty.

You out another long sigh as you mumble "Fine, have it your way." Before you calmly walk over to one corner of the courtyard and punched what looked like nothing only to have made contact with what felt like a stomach and making it fly and crash into the wall behind it creating a very large hole.

you shout out to the poor victim you just sent through the wall "Heeeey are you done hiding because I'm pretty sure everyone now knows your here Ayame!" You suddenly hear what sounded like a "Tch" coming from where the hole is.

"What the hell was that for!!!" you hear as a woman with black hair that goes down about 3 inches past her ear and is around the age of 28 appears.

"Well I did give a warning didn't I?" you say in a monotonous type voice. "Yeah but you didn't have to send me through a fucking wall now did you?" she shouts with irritation in her voice. "Actually I did because you wouldn't have shown yourself if I didn't!" your argue back but before she could make another comment you suddenly heard clapping.

You both turn around to see a man around the age of 30 and has short black mangled hair. "That was a good punch you have to admit!" he said in a bit overly hyper voice.

You gave a sigh through your nose and said "well it's nice to finally have you around Maynard." you say with a hint of sarcasm in your voice.

________________________Levi's POV____________________________

While the four were having a conversation the one called 'Lola' had started to walk over towards me along with the other three, and that was when I saw nearly all the cadets who had muskets point it over to the four. Before something horrible could happen I shouted "lower your weapons now!"

"Are you sure?" one of them asks. I reply with "Tch, of course I'm sure, now lower your weapons!"

After they lowered all their weapons the four continued to make their way towards me.The one that was called 'Lola' was only a few feet away she finally decided to speak up. "Hey shortie, where did you get that necklace?"

My eye twitches a bit at what she called me but, I simply reply with "Tch where do you think? Your friend over there put it on me and now I can't get the damn thing off?" I say with a hint of irritation in it.

That was when the unexpected happened. Lola started to laugh hysterically. While laughing she says " I-I s-see she p-pulled that stupid n-necklace trick on you t-too huh."

This caused me to raise an eyebrow before asking "Too. What do you mean too?" Lola then pulled out a similar necklace, but the only difference was that the gem was a light blue color. The ones called 'Maynard' and 'Ayame' came over and saw what Lola was doing. They probably guessed the conversation we were having because they pulled out similar necklaces as well. Again the only difference was that Maynard has a yellow gem and Ayame has a purple one. "Trust us, we tried everything to get these damn things off, but nothing worked." Maynard said while chuckling a bit.

"Yeah, but you have to admit it is pretty useful. I mean that not only only does it help protect us, it also helps us identify who friend and foe is and since you and eyebrows over there have similar necklaces to our then that identifies you as our comrade." Ayame then said.

That was when (F/N) finally decided to speak " Okay! Since everyone is now here what do you say we have proper introductions!" She says a little enthusiastically.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

And I will see you in the next chapter!!

Bye Bye!!!!!!!

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now