Chapter 14

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___________________________Levi's POV__________________________

I was walking down the dark corridors when I heard humming.

'It's past midnight who the fuck is still up?' I thought

As I was following humming, I saw nearly all the cadets looking at something or someone. As I got closer I saw (F/N) outside singing something when I came up behind the cadets, I finally heard the song clearly.

(Please go to link in order to listen to the song being sung:

This song wasn't like the one she sung for that child back in town. No, this song was more emotional, it was a very sad song. After she was done singing, one of the cadets accidentally made a loud noise causing (F/N) to look at everyone. She immediately turned red from embarrassment at the fact that she was caught singing. I then did a fake cough. This caused everyone to look at me in fear. "Why the fuck is everyone still up!" I shout.

They then proceeded to scatter trying to hurry before I could give them any cleaning duties.

Everyone was gone except for (F/N). She was standing in the middle of the now fixed courtyard (thanks to (F/N) ). She was at a position where the moonlight reflected perfectly off of her (H/L) (H/C) hair.

'She really is beautiful.' I thought.

'Tch, what the hell is with me. I've been having these kinds of thoughts lately.' I thought to myself. But I quickly snapped out of it when (F/N) started to talk to me.

"Um, s-sorry i-if I was disturbing everyone's sleep, I couldn't sleep so I had the idea to come outside to calm down and before I knew it I was singing." she explained while still blushing.

"Tch, whatever. If you can't sleep then follow me." I said.

____________________________Your POV____________________________ 

You were following Levi to his office. When we finally reached his office, he pulled out a familiar wooden box. Your face lit up when you recognized the box.

"That's the tea I gave you isn't it?" You asked.

" Yeah, it is, I've been meaning to try it and thought this was the best time to." He said while leaving to go brew the tea.

After a little while of waiting he came back with two cups filled with tea. He then sat down on the couch next to me. As soon as he set his cup down he picked up his cup in a weird fashion. Levi was holding the rim of the cup and drinking from it.

"This tastes like strawberries." He stated.

"Oh, really." You said as you took a sip from your cup.

"Mine tastes like raspberries." you said.

"Tch, how the hell did you get the tea to do that?" he asked with a hint of amusement in his usually cold voice.

"A secret that I will never tell~" you sang.

"Damn brat." Levi muttered while still hold his cup in that weird fashion.

"Why do you hold your cup like that?" You ask.

"You really want to know?" He asked

"YES!!" you nearly shout in an excited tone.

"Okay, come closer." He instructed and you did.

"The reason is a secret I'll never tell you~." he said mimicking your voice.

"Aw~, that's not fair Levi~" You whined and then you heard a light chuckle from him. You snap your head up and saw Levi smiling again.

You face lit up once more as you said "See, you should smile more often. You look much better like that."

He looked surprised for a moment before returning to his stoic expression.

"Tch, whatever brat." He said with a hint of blush on his cheeks.

However, it was barely there and it being dark didn't help, but you saw it nonetheless.

This caused your heart beat to sky rocket.

'What is this feeling. Maybe I should talk to Maynard about it. Only after I free Annie of course. After all, I have to keep my promise to my friends." You thought.

You suddenly feel very tired and you leaned on Levi and fell asleep immediately. You heard Levi muttered something along the line of 'stupid brat.'

_____________________________Levi's POV__________________________

I was drinking my tea when suddenly I feel a weight on my shoulder. I look over and found (F/N) fully asleep on my shoulder. I look past her and found that she had spilled her tea on my couch.

"Stupid brat." I mutter as I picked her up.

'No use in sleeping on the couch now that you spilled tea all over it.' I thought as I headed towards my bedroom.

I gently placed her down and proceeded to clean up her mess. After I found the couch met up to my cleaning standards, I walk back towards my bedroom and laid myself next to a sleeping (F/N) and fell asleep.

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now