Chapter 18

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____________________________Your POV_____________________________

Today is the day of the expedition. You pace around restlessly and its starting to rub off people.

"Hey, brat, what the hell your doing?" You hear a voice behind you.

You turn around and see Levi with a pissed off expression,

"I don't know, for some reason I just have a bad feeling about this expedition." You say.

"Tch, its nothing to worry about. I mean if we have you, I surly have no reason ti worry." Levi says.

"Oh~, is that a compliment I hear~" You tease Levi.

"No, I was just saying that your not completely useless." Levi says back.

"That sounds like a compliment to me~" You sing.

"Tch, just shut up stupid brat." Levi spat at you in an irritated tone.

"Aw~, I know you would feel lonely if I did that." You tease, but you look over at Levi and see him blushing at what you said.

"W-whatever." Levi mutters.

'He didn't deny it, could he have feelings for me too. No, that's impossible." You think.

"Hey~, (F/N) its almost time to leave get ready!" You hear Eren shout.

"Okay~, I'll be ready in a second, just hold on!" You shout out to Eren.

"Well, I'll be seeing you later." You say and turn to leave, but you feel something take hold of your wrist.

"Listen, (F/N) I would like to tell you something after the expedition. So don't do something stupid that could get you killed." Levi says.

You give a soft smile. You then lift up your hand and begin to pet Levi's head.

"Don't worry, as long as you have that necklace, you can always see if I'm okay or not." You say calmly.

Levi gives a small nod.

"Okay, I have to go get ready, I'll be seeing you." You say and leave.

'I just wanna know why I have a bad feeling about this.' You think, but quickly brush off the feeling and continue to get ready.

—————————————-Time Skip To Expedition———————-——————

You are at the gate preparing to leave. Erwin gives his signature speech before yelling "FORWARD!!!!"

You and everyone else charges forward. After about twenty minutes of waiting a horde of about ten titans appear.

"Maynard, Ayame, Lola!" You shout to your friends and they nod in unison.

You jump off your horse and disappear in mid-air and appear behind one of the titans, immediately taking it down. You move onto the next one, then the next one. You soon take down six of the ten titans. You friends take down the other four.

"Aw~, no fair (F/N) I wanted to deal with them." Lola whines to you.

"Heh, well you need to be faster." You say, but a sound soon catches your attention. Its the sound of flesh ripping. However, when you look around you see everyone is fine, but they have a horrified look on their face.

'What's wrong with them' You think, but when you look down and see a dark purple blade protruding from your chest. You turn around and see someone you never expected.

"B-big...s-sister." That was all you said before she pulled out the blade causing you to fall.

___________________________Lola's POV_____________________________

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