Chapter 5

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Hello and Enjoy!!!

_________________________Your POV_______________________

"So let's have some proper introductions then shall we?" you say a bit too excitedly. While saying this everyone turns to you and gives you a weird look almost as if they're saying that you insane. But then again given the current situation who could blame them.

"Well then, I think we should start from oldest to youngest and explain who you are!" you say.

"That means I start first." Maynard says calmly but with a happy-go-lucky expression.

"The names Maynard. I am not human. I can't really explain what I am but, I can assure you that I do know what my ability consists of. Those abilities are of manipulating shadows. Henceforth, giving me the nickname Shadow Hunter and as for my age I have lived a little over 2,000 years old, but if you were to ask for my human age I would be probably around 30. Anyways, its a pleasure to meet everyone." After explaining who he was, Maynard takes a step back giving the next person their cue to go up which happened to be Ayame.

"Yo, I'm Ayame. I'm also not human and like Maynard said I don't know what I am either. However, like Maynard I also have abilities. The abilities that I have is similar to Maynard but, the only difference is that I have the ability to make illusions of your worst nightmare. Because of my abilities I have acquired the nickname Priestess of the Moon " I hear some of the cadets gulp as Ayame continues. " and as for my age I have lived for a little over 1,000 years and my human age would be somewhere around 28." she steps back signaling for the next person to go which would be Lola.

"Hiya, my name is Lola. I am also not human and like the other two I also have no idea on what I am. However, my abilities are that of summoning beasts from the Netherworld. Thus, earning the nickname Beastmaster. I have lived for around 800 years but, my human age would be around 27. It's nice to meet meet everyone!" Lola then steps back giving me the go ahead to introduce myself to everyone.

I walk up and say in a very happy and excited tone "Hi my name is (F/N) (L/N) and like everyone else that introduced themselves, I am also not human. I also have abilities. The abilities I have is basically super-human strength, the ability to cast various spells,and the ability to basically copy my opponents abilities and even looks at times. This has caused me to earn the nickname Blood Mage. I have lived for around 500 years and my human age would be somewhere around 22 I think, so this makes me the youngest."

"Heh, you may be the youngest but, your also the strongest in our group." Lola says and the others nodded. This causes everyone to stare at me in disbelief.

"Well,anyways, I hope that we all can get along quite well." Your about to turn and leave when you suddenly remember something. "Oh, and before I forget, me and the other three here also have the ability to heal very quickly and the ability to regenerate lost organs or limbs. As you so plainly saw when dumbass over there (as you point to Lola) decapitated me a few moments ago." and with that you were done talking.

_____________________________Levi's POV___________________________

I was listening intently to each of their introductions, after (F/N) went up and gave her explanation, she began walking towards me. As she passed me she managed to whisper in my ear "I would like to talk to you privately if you don't mind."

She then proceeded to make her way over to Commander Erwin before discussing something to him where he then nodded.

At this time however, all I could think about is what that stupid brat wanted to talk about later.


Well that's it for this chapter!

So I will see you in the next one!!!

Bye Bye!!!!

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now