Chapter 15

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__________________________Your POV___________________________

'Where am I?' you thought as you continue to walk in darkness. You then see a boy. You recognize the boy, its your friend that you had since you were a child. You happily run up to the boy and shout "Hey, Makoto its been a while!!"

However, you senses tell you that something is wrong.

The boy named 'Makoto' has his back turned to you. He slowly turns around to face you and when he does you freeze. His face and body is covered in blood like it did that day. He starts shouting at you.

"Its all your fault!" he shouts at you over and over again.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry,I'm so sorry!!!" You shout back clutching your head in order to drown out his shouts.

"Oi! (F/N)! Wake up!!" you hear a familiar voice shout. Then you feel you body jerk.

You instantly snap your eyes open and you shoot upwards. This causes you to hit Levi's head with yours. However, Levi being Levi, he has a head of steel.

"OW!! What the hell is your head made of?" you ask clutching your now sore head.

"Tch." was all he responded with.

After about three minutes of uncomfortable silence Levi finally decided to speak.

"Hey, brat are you okay?" He asked.

"W-what do you mean by that?" You ask him.

"You know what I mean. You seem to be having a nightmare." He said bluntly.

You remember the dream you had and you can feel your face pale.

'Yes, he is right, its all my fault' you thought.

"Well?" Levi said snapping you back to reality.

"O-oh its nothing, like you said it was just a nightmare." You said trying to quickly change the subject.

Levi seems to see what you are trying to do and doesn't push the subject any further.

"Oh, that reminds me. Levi, I would like to ask you something." You ask Levi.

"Oh, and what may that be?" He asks.

"I want to help get Annie out of that crystal. Will you let me?" You ask.

You see Levi's eyes widen a fraction.

"What do mean by that?" He growls.

"It sounds exactly how it sounds. I am able to get Annie out of that crystal." You say casually.

"No, I mean how are you going to do it?" Levi asks.

"You forget Levi, I am not human." You say.

Levi then slowly nods before heading off to see Erwin about the situation and you soon follow.

—————————————————————-time skip—————————————————————

You got Erwin's permission and now your at the place that the crystallized Annie is.

"Remember our deal." you say.

Flashback to Erwin's Office

"What do you mean you want Annie under your custody!!" Levi shouts.

"I have a feeling that Annie didn't have a choice in the matter." you say calmly.

"No way in hell am I handing that bitch over." Levi spits.

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now