Chapter 8

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___________________________Your POV___________________________

You were with Levi and turned around to everyone that was standing around. "Excuse me everyone, could you please head towards the place where everyone eats that would be greatly appreciated!" you shouted. Everyone seemed quite confused by your odd request but complied nonetheless.

As you were heading towards the building and headed inside to where everyone ate, you had pushed past everyone so that you were the one up front.

Everyone still looks puzzled by your action, however you were completely enjoying yourself. You then shouted "We are here to enjoy the new found friendships that we have established here today." After you say this you snap your fingers, when you did this rows upon rows of food and drinks had appeared.

Everyone was in total shock by what they had just witnessed, even Levi was a bit stunned at the variety of foods that had appeared.

You ignored their reaction and said "well, what are you guys waiting for, dig in!!"

However, everyone seemed hesitant except for a brown haired woman that made a mad dash towards the food. She began to immediately dig in without a moments notice. This caused you great joy that someone had started to eat the food that you conjured up.

You began walking towards the girl and when you were right behind her you tapped her shoulder. She looked up with food still in her mouth.

"Hey, um..How's the food?" You asked a bit worriedly. She then swallowed the food in one big gulp and exclaimed "It's the most delicious thing I have ever tasted!!"

You were relieved and said "What's your name?" She looked at you a moment before replying.

"Sasha, ma'am and thank you so much for the food and drinks!!"

You then frowned a bit and said "Hey, Sasha please don't refer to me as ma'am, I want you to call me (F/N)."

Her eyes widened a bit before saying "Yes!! Thank you (F/N)!!"

After our little conversation, one by one everyone had started to eat and drink.

This made you incredibly happy that everyone seemed to have finally enjoy themselves.

Everyone was talking to each other and having a good time. You were walking around and saw a man with two different colored hair. This had made you curious so you walked up behind the kid. He seemed to have visually stiffen when he saw you coming towards him.

When you finally got to him, you just stared at him. This caused him to shuffle his feet.

"Um, could I help you with something?" he asked. However, the only thing that came out of your mouth was "How did you get your hair like that?"

He seemed surprised at your question before answering "Its natural."

This caused your face to brighten like a child seeing something new for the first time. "Wow!! Really, I would have never guessed!!" You said with your voice laced with excitement.

"OH!!! That reminds me whats your name?" you then asked.

"Its Jean." he replied."Well, its nice to meet ya Jean. Would you mind introducing me to some of your friends?!" you said excitedly.

"Um, yeah, sure." he replied with.

"This is Eren." he said as he pointed to a boy with brown hair and green eyes.

"This is Armin" he then pointed to a shy boy with short blond hair and blue eyes.

"This is Mikasa." he pointed to a girl that had black hair and black eyes, she was wearing a blank expression while being introduced.

"This is Connie" he then proceeded to point to a boy with bald head.

"This is Bertholdt" he pointed to a very tall boy with brown hair siting at the end of the table.

"This is Reiner." he pointed to a large boy with very short blond hair.

"This is Ymir." he pointed to a woman that had freckles along her face and had long brown hair that was tied up in a pony tail.

"and this is Krista." he pointed to the final person at their table. She had long blond hair tied in a low pony tail.

After introductions you immediately said "Its a pleasure to meet all of you, I hope we can become the best of friends!!!"

They all seemed somewhat surprised by your attitude towards them. As you were turning to leave you then decided to say "Also, if you don't mind could you just call me (F/N). Since you know, we'll be friends and all." you said a bit shyly.

They all nodded. "Great, I'll be seeing you guys later!!" you said as you turned and walked off.

_________________________Levi's POV__________________________

I watch (F/N) as she walks straight towards Jean and the others.

"Tch. What is that stupid brat doing?" I said quietly towards myself.

"She's probably making friends, right guys!" said the overly hyper voice of Isabel. "Everyone seemed to nod in unison at the girl's question.

"Yeah, she is an odd one isn't she Levi?" asked the calm voice of Farlen.

"Tch, you could say that again. Everything that brat does spells trouble." I said.

"Who are you talking to Levi?!" shouted a familiar annoying voice.

"No one you need to know about, Shitty-glasses." I spat at the annoying woman.

"Besides that, where the hell have you been?" I ask.

"Oh~ just telling my new partner Maynard about titans." She said happily.

"And guess what, he wants to learn more about them to!!!" She shouted loudly.

"He said that they are very interesting creatures and could understand my curiosity towards them!!" she shouted once more.

However, I was just ignoring the mad woman's ranting and started to focus on the variety of food in front of me. I then took a small bite of food that was on the plate in front of me.

'this isn't half bad' I thought to myself. As I continued eating, I had noticed that the annoying woman was no longer bothering me. Instead I had found (F/N) staring intently at me from the side.

I let out a "Tch" noise and asked "What do you want, stupid brat?" I asked the odd girl.

"I was wondering how the food tastes to you." she asked a bit nervously.

"Well it doesn't taste like shit." I spat.

She just gives me an odd look before her face brightened up into a smile. "Well, I'll just take that as a compliment." she simply stated.

"Oh, that reminds me, have you enjoyed the small gift I gave you?" she asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Tch, why do you want to know?" I spat at her. However, she just shrugged it off and leaned in and whispered in my ear "I'll take that as a 'thank you' then." She then walked away.

I just stared at her as she walked away. 'She is a very odd person indeed.' I thought to myself before continuing my meal.

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now