A Surprise For Levi

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_____________Your POV____________
'Today's Levi's birthday, I wonder what I should get him.' You think to yourself.
"Hey (F/N), what are you thinking about?" Maynard asks.
"Oh, I was just wondering what I should get for Levi, I mean tomorrow's his birthday and all." You explain.
"I'm sure whatever you get him, he will be happy with." Lola says.
'Yeah, that's true, but still I want him to have a perfect birthday." You say.
"Well, why not just get him tea then, I mean he likes it right?" Lola states.
"I got him tea last year, and it was the good kind too." You say.
"Well, why not just throw him a surprise party!?" Hanji jumps in.
"Remember the last time that happened, he almost lost it, because you decided to make a big mess in his office." You say, dismissing the suggestion.
"Wait, I know!" You suddenly exclaim.
"I'll make him a cake!" You say.
"That's a good idea, but what type of cake your making?" Maynard asks.
"I'll make him a tea flavored cake." You say.
"But, I need you everyone to distract him from the kitchen, until I'm done. So, Maynard go tell everyone about whats going on.Oh, and Lola, I need you to get the kids and go shopping for gifts with them." You say as you leave towards the kitchen.
_____________Your POV____________
"Tch, where is that damn brat?" I mutter as I look for (F/N).
I suddenly spot Erwin.
"Oi, Erwin, have you seen (F/N)?" I ask.
"No, I haven't, sorry." He says.
"I swear, that brat always manages to find a way to disappear." I mutter.
"Haha, well maybe she's just trying to find a gift for you, after all today is your birthday." Erwin says.
"Tch, I just hope she doesn't cause too much trouble." I say.
"Aw, Levi she's just trying to make you happy." I hear Hanji say behind me.
I just clicked my tongue.
'But, she is right, she always tries so hard to make me happy.' I think to myself as I smirk at how cute it is for her to try so hard.
"Oh, is Levi thinking something how cute (F/N) is?" I hear Hanji tease.
"Tch, shut it shitty glasses." I say as I walk away to find (F/N).
I see Maynard walking down the corridor.
"Hey, Maynard, have you seen (F/N), usually you know where that damn brat is." I say to him.
"I think she said something about taking the kids out." He said.
'She must've took the kids to go shopping for a gift.' I think to myself as I head towards the kitchen to get a nice drink of tea, Isabel and Farlan suddenly show up.
"Hey, big bro, what are you doing?" Isabel asks.
"Getting tea from the kitchen." I said.
"Um, don't you have tea in your offie?" Farlan asks nervously.
"No, I don't." I reply.
"R-Really, I thought that (F/N) made you tea before leaving." Isabel says.
I raise an eyebrow at their odd attitude.
"Is there something going on that I don't know about?" I ask suspeciously.
"W-Why would you say that?" Farlan stutters.
"Well, for one everyone is acting odd." I say.
"It could be your imagination." Eld says as the rest of my old squad suddenly shows up.
"Anyway, (F/N) made your tea and his morning, its in your office. She set it there because she couldn't find you." Petra says.
"I see, then I'll be heading towards my office then." I say and I could've sworn that I heard everyone sigh in releif.
Once I'm in my office I see a steaming cup of tea in my desk.
'It looks like it was recently made.' I think, but brush it off unaware of a panting Eren outside.
After finishing my tea I was starting to get a bit hungry, so I decided that I would head towards the kitchen to get something to eat, but before even reaching the doors Hanji comes along.
"Hey shorty, what ate you doing?" She asks.
"Getting something to eat." I say as I try to head towards the kitchen.
"W-Wait, (F/N) will be making dinner as soon as she returns." Hanji says hurriedly as she pushes me away in the kitchen.
"Tch,and do you know when she is getting back?" I ask impatiently.
"Probably in an half an hour or so, you can wait, so don't go spoiling your appetite." She says.
'Something is definitely up.' I think to myself.
I then go looking for Erwin. After about fifteen minutes of searching I finally find him.
"Hey, Erwin care to explain to me why the fuck everyone is acting strange?" I ask.
"How is everyone acting strange?" He asks back.
"Well everyone is trying to get me away from the kitchen and I have no idea as to why, so I thought you would know." I explain.
"Really, well maybe its just your imagination." Erwin says.
"That's what Eld said." I say raising an eyebrow.
"Well, I'm going to go check out the kitchen." I say leaving.
"Oh, but before you do that I have some documents I need you to sign." Erwin says handing me a large pile of documents.
"Can't these wait?" I ask.
"No, unfortunately I need them signed now." Erwin says as I give a long sigh.
"Fine." I say leaving to head towards my office to sign, totally unaware that Erwin is silently apologizing.
After about two hours of working on the documents I'm finally finish.
"Okay, now that's out of the way, I can finally head towards the kitchen." I mutter, but as I walk down the hallways I notice that no one is in sight.
'That's odd where is everybody?' I think.
I reach the doors to the mess hall and open them, and what I see surprises me.
I see everyone there, and I see (F/N) and our two kids in the center.
(F/N) is holding a cake, while our two kids holding a large banner that says 'Happy Birthday Daddy!'
I walk over to my wife and kids.
"Well, what do you think?" She asks.
"Its perfect." I say giving a soft smile.
"I think you'll like the cake, it took me nearly all day to make, and the reason as to why everyone was acting so strange." She explains as she cuts a piece of cake for me. She then sets it down in front of me, where I then take a bite.
"It tastes like tea." I say.
"Well, you like tea, so I thought you would like a cake that tasted like it." She says blushing a bit.
"Thank you." I mutter hugging (F/N) and our kids.
'This is the best birthday ever.' Was all I could think to myself.

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