Chapter 21

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__________________________Hanji's POV____________________________

I was in my office as Maynard walked in.

"Hey Hanji." Maynard said walking up towards me.

"Hey Maynard, what's up?" I ask.

Maynard just gives a smirk and says "Ya know, I should thank you for helping save (F/N)."

"No problem." I say as I look at a paper with my latest experiment to perform.

"No, I really should thank you, that's why I have a little present for you." He says.

"Oh~, a present, what kind of present?" I ask.

"Just close your eyes for a second." Maynard said as I did what I was told.

After closing my eyes, I feel something soft on my lips. This causes me to snap my eyes to snap open. I see Maynard kissing me.

After the kiss I stuttered "W-w-why d-d-did you k-k-kiss me?"

"Its because I love you~" He sings as he quickly walks away.

"Anyway, I'll see you later." He says quickly, but I then see that his ears are red.

He closes the door and all I could this is 'He really is cute at times, but I guess that's what made me fall for him."

___________________________Erwin's POV__________________________

I'm in my office with Ayame, as usual. She's been helping me out with a lot of paperwork, and she really is helpful. Not only has she caused me to get done a lot more early, she had also helped us save a ton of money as well.

She suddenly stops. This action causes me to raise an eyebrow.

"Is something wrong, Ayame?" I asked.

"O-oh its nothing, really!" She says, but this causes me to get even more suspicious.

"It doesn't sound like nothing." I state.

"Haha, I guess you caught me. I've been trying to think of the best way to thank you for helping out (F/N), and I think I finally found the perfect way to." She says.

"Oh, and what's th-" I was cut of by Ayame kissing me.

She pulls away and says "Thank you." before getting up from her chair and dashing towards the door.

"W-we'll continue the p-paperwork l-later!" she shouts while her whole face is turning red. She slams the door behind her.

I chuckle as I think 'She really is a one-of-a-kind person, but I guess that's why I love her.'

I decided to turn in early for the day, as I stack my unfinished papers in the corner of my desk and walking towards my bedroom.

————————-Time skip to next day—————————

_________________________Your POV____________________________

You were walking to the mess hall, after all it was your turn to get the meals ready. Everyone is always eager for your turn to cook, and that always makes you even more eager to get the food ready.

As you enter the mess hall, you notice that everyone is already there, and they seem to be waiting for someone. As you get closer they finally noticed that you were there and they made a beeline for you.

"Hey, (F/N), you said that you have the ability to copy not only the person's ability, but their appearance too, is the correct?" Eren asks.

"Y-yes, its true, why do you ask?" You say.

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