Chapter 11

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_________________________Your POV_________________________

It was the day of the expedition and you were excited. Not only at the fact that you get to show off your teamwork with your three friends but, you don't have to hurt anyone. As you were preparing your horse along with everyone else Levi came up from behind you. You however, didn't see or hear him come up, so when you turned around to find him there, let's just say he learned to never sneak up on you again.

"I said I was sorry." you complained to a very pissed off Levi.

"And I said before your going to clean the whole castle from top to bottom when we get back." he said for the tenth time today.

"Like I said before I didn't mean to throw Ayame at you. You startled me and out of reflex I grabbed the closest thing to me." You tried explaining yourself.

"And that thing you tried to throw at me was a full sized person." Levi hissed at you.

"Yeah, I can't blame him for this one (F/N)" Ayame said behind you in a dark tone.

"Aw man, Maynard~, Lola~ do something about this." You whined to them.

However, you knew they couldn't help you. The main cause is that they won't stop laughing their asses off.

"S-sorry.....we......we we-we c-c-could...but t-that was h-h-hil-hilarious." Maynard said in between fits of laughter.

"At least you guys are having fun with this." you pouted.

As you guys neared the gate to the outside world, they all became serious.

"FORWARD!!!" Erwin shouted as the gates opened.

After about fifteen minutes of riding we didn't spot a titan.

That was when you noticed that Lola wasn't near you.

You then heard someone shout "HEY GUYS!!!! LOOK WHO CAME ALONG WITH ME!!!" You turned towards the voice and find Lola riding on Haru with twenty titans behind her.

'Man, if looks could kill I'm pretty sure Lola would be mutilated by now.' you thought as you looked at everyone glaring daggers at her.

You then shouted "EVERYONE, STOP RIGHT NOW!!!!"

Everyone was so startled by you loud and authoritative voice that they complied.

You then said "I need everyone to stay here. I'm going to place a protection barrier up so that they won't get to you, is that understood?!?!" Everyone immediately nodded or said a 'yes, ma'am'.

"Ayame, Maynard." you called towards the two.

"Yes." they replied in unison.

"Formation Black Widow." that was all you said before they broke into a smile and walked toward the horde of titans.

They then manipulated the shadows in the area and bounded all the titans in place. Now, that they were immobile you summoned a sword. The sword looked like a traditional Japanese sword but, the blade was blood red. You took a step forward but, you suddenly disappeared. When you reappeared, you were at the back of the horde. After a second had passed all the titans fell down and were beginning to disintegrate.

___________________________Levi's POV___________________________ 

I stood there in absolute shock at what I saw. That small girl who only stood at five feet, had taken down twenty titans as if they were nothing but a pest. Not to mention that her friends are pretty skilled when it comes to teamwork.

"I'm glad that they're on our side." I heard one of the cadets say.

They began walking back when all of a sudden an abnormal titan appeared out of nowhere. It picked up (F/N) before she had time to react. Her friends however, just stood where they were and smirked. They even said something along the line of 'show off'. (F/N) didn't struggle out of the giants grip, no, in fact she's doing the exact opposite, she's not making a move at all.

"Oi, stupid brat move already!" I shouted towards her. She simply turned and smiled before being swallowed by the titan. I heard shocked gasps and screams. 'This can't be happening' I thought as I continued to stare at the titan that just ate (F/N). It was at this moment that the stomach of the beast burst opened reveling (F/N). She then jumped upwards over the beast's head and slicing the nape. She was then standing in mid-air.

'What the hell-' that was all I was able to think when (F/N) disappeared then reappeared right in front of me.

"Hey, you okay? You don't look so good." she said. All I was able to say was "And whose fault do you think that is?" I asked in a very pissed off voice. She just stared at me before asking "Wait, so, you were worried about me?"

"Tch, of course, you are apart of my squad and it would be a bigger pain in my ass if you were to die." I said harshly.

Then she did something I never thought she would do, she began to cry.

"Uh-oh, looks like the big bad corporal made a poor girl cry!" Hanji teased.

"Tch, its not my fault." I say in my defense.

"T-thank y-you, for w-worrying a-about m-me." (F/N) said in between sobs.

"I-I'll make s-s-sure that I w-won't worry y-you in the f-future." she continued while covering her eyes with her arm. That was when I surprised everyone including myself. I started to pat her head in order to comfort the odd woman.

"Tch, stop crying (F/N) or else I'm giving you extra cleaning duties." I said in a rather soft voice.

She immediately stopped crying. (F/N) then looked up and said "Y-you finally said my name."

"Tch, no I didn't, I think you're finally losing it." I said.

At this point she is no longer crying "No, I definitely heard you. You said my name!" she shouted back.

As I was about to say something else everyone had started laughing. I turned towards them and shouted "What the fuck is so funny now!!"

"Y-you sound like an old married couple!" Hanji and Maynard said in unison.

"You should talk." Ayame and Erwin say in unison.

"Hahaha, are you really the ones to say that!" Eren said while laughing.

"Anyway, don't forget what I said Levi, as long as that necklace is still intact then that means I'm still alive." (F/N) says to me after calming down.

My eyes widen at the sudden realization that I still had the necklace on and that I had completely forgotten about it.

____________________________Your POV___________________________

"Anyway we should start heading ba-" that was all you managed to say before you collapsed.

"Oi (F/n)!" you heard Levi shout

'Why does he sound so far away.' that was the only thing you thought as you lost consciousness.

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