Chapter 16

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_________________________Your POV____________________________

You were following Levi to the training grounds.

"I can't wait to get started with training!" You say in a very excited voice.

"Tch, will you shut up already." Levi states in his cold voice.

"Aw~, come on Levi, don't be a joy-killer." You say to Levi.

As you and Levi were arguing again, you spot Lola, Maynard, and Ayame standing by a bunch of cadets.

"Hey, guys did I miss anything yet?" You ask.

"Nope, nothing yet, but they are about to get started, so really you came just in time." Maynard says to you.

"Well that's good to hear. You ready to get started?" You ask them and they all nod.

"Levi-" Before you say anything else, Levi interrupts and says in an irritated voice "Just get started already."

"All right, I have an idea as to which group needs training the most." You say. Everyone looks at you as you say this. You snap your fingers and everyone is now standing the middle of the forest.

"All right, this is what is going to happen; Maynard and Ayame are going to manipulate the shadows in order to create something that look like titans. Then, you guys are going to attack as many as you can. Don't worry about being caught, because once you are caught you will be brought back into the real world. After all, the place you are in is nothing but an illusion so you guys will be perfectly fine here. Those who get caught, you have the choice of training with me, Lola, Maynard, or Ayame. IS THAT CLEAR!" You shout the last part.

"YES, MA'AM!" Everyone shouts back.

"OK, BEGIN!" You shout to Ayame and Maynard and they begin manipulate shadows to look like titans. Everyone use their 3dmg to get to higher branches. Some of them begin to take down the titans look alike. Some successfully take a few down, but there were a few who got caught and transported back to reality where Lola is waiting. Soon enough only a handful are left, but they too got exhausted and this caused them to get sloppy, where they then got captured and transported back to reality as well.

"Okay, that's enough." you say and snap your fingers, causing the illusion to disappear and reveal the training grounds once more.

"Okay, now choose who you want as your training instructor." You say to the cadets and they begin to split up. You managed to get around forty-seven cadets. Some of them you knew, such as Mikasa, Eren, Bertholdt, Reiner, Annie, Jean, and Armin.

Maynard seemed to have gotten around forty-five cadets, Ayame and Lola both got around forty cadets.

"All right, since everyone seemed to have chosen their training instructor, you may begin." You say and your three friends smirked and began walking in different directions.

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"Well, of course, I don't want them to die when a battle happens, so in order to avoid that I have to make sure that they can handle their own, even if it means that they hate it." You state.

"I guess your right about that." Levi says to you and walks away. But, as he walks away you shout "You can call my training harsh, but you should watch the other three, they're just as bad!"

When you say this, you could have sworn that you heard Levi give a short laugh after you say this.

__________________________Lola's POV_____________________________

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now