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You and Levi are sitting in his office, doing some paperwork.

"Even after all the titans are gone we still have to do paperwork." You whined.

"Well, there are still some problems left unsolved, and now that the titans are gone we have to focus on those problems now." Levi explained.

"Yeah, I know, but it would be nice to spend some time with the kids." You say.

"That reminds me, Eren and Mikasa just had their first kid, didn't they?" You ask your husband.

"Yeah, it was a baby girl, but what was the brat's name?" Levi said trying to recall the name of the kid.

"They named her 'Fumiko'." You stated.

Levi just gave his signature 'tch'.

The room was then enveloped in silence. Levi went to take a sip of the warm tea in front on him, holding it by the rim, as usual. You, however, just smirked.

"What are you smiling about?" Levi questioned.

"Oh, nothing, just thinking about the time when I found out why you hold you cup like that." You said to him.

"That was five years ago, and you still haven't told me on how the hell you found out." Levi stated with irritation in his voice.

"Do you want to know that badly, Levi?" You asked him. Levi just clicked his and nodded.

"Remember when I trapped myself in my subconscious?" You asked and Levi nodded.

"Well, when you looked in my memories, I kinda, sorta did...the......same......to you............guys." The reason you slowed the sentence down was mainly due to the fact that the atmosphere around Levi kept turning deadlier and deadlier by each word that passed through your lips.

"You better start running." Your husband suggested in a very deadly tone.

"Yeah, I'll do that." You say as you made a mad dash out of Levi's office and down the hall. Soon after you heard footsteps following you.

You turned you head and saw Levi chasing you.


"NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!!!" You shouted back as you ran faster. Soon you say Ayame walking down the hall.

"AYAME, HELP!!" You shouted as you ran past. Ayame, however just stood in utter confusion, that is until she saw a fuming Levi run past her.

'She must have told him. Well, it seems that she'll be on her own for this one. I mean she did look into everyone's past, so this was expected.' Was all Ayame thought as she went on her own way.

'I gotta find a place to hide and fast." You thought.

'I know, I'll hide in Hanji's office.' You suddenly thought.

You ran faster, when finally you saw the door leading to Hanji's office.

You slammed the door open then quickly closing it behind you, locking it.

"H-Hanji.......angry.............L-Levi........help." Was all you managed to say when loud banging was heard outside the door.

"Brat, open up right now!" You heard Levi shout as you made a small yelp and hid yourself behind Hanji.

"Don't worry, just hide underneath my desk, and I'll take care of the rest." Hanji said as you dive underneath Hanji's desk.

You heard Hanji unlock and open the door.

"Where is she?" You heard Levi hiss.

"Underneath my desk." You heard Hanji say.

You barely had anytime to get out when you saw the angry corporal in front of you.

"H-hey, Levi." Was all you said before you were lifted up onto his shoulders and carried out.

"T-Traitor!" You shouted to Hanji.

"Sorry, (F/N), but this is what you get for looking into my past as well." Hanji said as she was grinning evilly and waving.

You were carried all the way back to Levi's office and into his bedroom, where he then threw you onto the bed crawling on top of you.

"L-L-Levi, w-w-what are y-you d-doing?!" You stuttered.

"What does it look like I'm doing, I'm giving you your punishment." Levi said.

And lets just say that the next day, you didn't get the chance to sleep at all last night.

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now