Chapter 9

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____________________________Your POV__________________________

You were walking around the place trying to find your three friends, when suddenly you see Maynard running towards you.

"Hey, Maynard what's the matter you seem like your anxious about something." you said.

"I just found out from Hanji than there's this kid named Eren, he can transform into a titan." he said excitedly. When he said this you immediately remember the kid with brown hair and green eyes that you just met not to long ago.

"Oh really, I just met a kid that had a similar name." you said. His eyes lit up.

"Really, can you show him to me?!" he asked.

"Sure, just follow me." I said and went over to the table to where Jean and the others were.

You walked up to the kid they introduced as Eren and tapped his shoulder.

"Oh, hey (F/N), do you need something?" he asked a bit nervously.

"Uh, well actually my friend over here wants to meet you, he said something about you being able to transform into a titan." you said. He seemed to have tensed up when you said this.

You motioned for Maynard to come over and he did rather quickly.

"Hey, your Eren right?" he asked. Eren nodded.

"Is it really true that you can transform into a titan?" he asked. Eren once again nodded.

"Is it okay if you can transform for me?" he asked and Eren immediately tensed up once more. "Um, I don't know if I can, I have to have permission from Levi?" Eren said.

This time it was your turn to ask a question. "If I can get Levi's permission to have you transform into a titan will you fight me?" you said rather calmly.

He seemed very shocked by your question, so did everyone else. But, he simply nodded and said "If its okay with Levi, I guess I can-" He never got the chance to finish his sentence before you bolted to where Levi was sitting. Everyone from the table watched you as if you were insane.

______________________________Levi's POV________________________

I was simply eating my food when I saw (F/N) running towards me like her life depended on it. When she got to me she had asked me a question. However, she was talking so fast that I couldn't make out what she said.

"Tch, will you shut up brat and speak more slowly so that I can try and decipher what your asking me." I said in a rather irritated voice.

"Oh, sorry." she said before continuing a little more slowly.

"I was wondering if we can have your permission to have Eren transform into a titan so I may fight him." she said. After she asked this all I can think is that this woman is insane. But, a part of me was curious to see if she can actually fight Eren in titan form. So I gave a simply said "Tch, do whatever the hell you want. But, since I have to look over him while he uses his titan abilities, I have no other chice but to come along."

Her face had lit up like a child getting their favorite toy for their birthday. She had then made a mad dash towards Eren.

All the while my old team and Isabel and Farlan just simply stared at the girl.

"Are you sure she is going to be okay?" Petra asked with a hint of worry i her voice.

"Tch, if that brat can be decapitated and still live, I doubt that Eren would be able to do any damage." I said in my monotonous voice.

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now