Chapter 19

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___________________________Levi's POV_____________________________

"What do you mean she's in a coma!" I shout as I tried to make my way over to Ayame. However, both Maynard and Mike held me back from doing anything rash.

"She isn't in a coma, she has just locked herself away inside her head." Ayame once again explained.

"How is that any different from her being in a coma!?" I continue to shout at the woman before me.

"WILL EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!" Lola shouts.

"Nothing will be solved if all you do is fight back and forth about whats going on, besides this isn't the first time she has done this." Lola explains.

"What do you mean this isn't the first time?" I ask Lola.

"This happened once before, all we have to do is go in her mind and try and convince her to come back out." Lola explains.

"Well, that's easier said then done." Ayame says.

"Yeah, I understand what your getting at." Maynard interrupts.

"What are you guys saying?" Erwin asks calmly.

"Well, how should we put this. The simplest way to put it is that we need those who aren't afraid of her. Right now she is blaming herself for what happened earlier today during the expedition." Lola begins.

"And not only that, but she believes that after what you just saw, you would hate her." Ayame continues.

"I can bring people into her subconscious, however as a result you are going to experience her past as a result." Ayame finishes.

"So, who is coming along, is the real question here." Maynard asks.

"I will." I state.

"So, will I." Eren says.

"Me too." Mikasa says.

"I am going as well." Armin says.

"Don't forget about us." Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie step forward.

"I guess I will too." Erwin says.

"I'm going." Mike says as well.

"Sure, I'll go." Hanji states.

"And us." Isabel, Farlen, and my old squad step forward.

"All of us too." The rest show up that include Ymir, Kristy, Sasha, Connie, Jean and a few others as well.

"I Wan't to know something, so I'm joining too." A mysterious voice says and everyone turns to see Akame.

"You, its your fault she's like this in the first place, so why would we allow you to join." I spat the question at her.

"Like I said I want to find something out from her and this is the best way to find out the truth." Akame states calmly.

"I have an idea as to what it is." I hear Ayame say.

"Is it about that day." Ayame asks and Akame slowly nods her head.

I hear Ayame give a long sigh before saying "Fine, you can join, but if anything happens, I will not hesitate to kill you, unlike last time." Ayame says in a dark tone.

"Okay I need everyone to gather around me." Ayame says and everyone complies.

Ayame puts her hand on (F/N)'s forehead and starts concentrating. Suddenly we're surrounded by darkness.

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now