Chapter 13

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___________________________Your POV___________________________

You awoke when the sun began to shine in your face. You moan trying to face away from the light. That was when you felt something warm next to you.

'What is this? Its so warm.' you thought. When you opened your eyes to see what was beside you, you had completely froze.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" you shouted as you scrambled to get out of bed which resulted in you falling off and hitting your head on the floor.

"Ow,ow,ow, that really hurt." you mumble to yourself.

"Shut up, brat, your too loud." You heard Levi say from the bed.

"W-w-why are you in b-bed with m-m-me." you say stuttering with your face red as a tomato.

"Tch, its your fault. You pulled me into bed and wouldn't let go." Levi said.

"R-really. I-I'm so sorry!!" you shouted.

"Um, i-if you don't mind me a-asking. Did I do or say a-anything weird." You ask

"All you did was ask me if I was afraid of you and after I answered you fell asleep." He stated bluntly.

"O-oh, is that so. Sorry about that, I tend to be out of it when I get sick." You say nervously while scratching the back of you head.

"Whatever, its time for breakfast so go get cleaned up." Levi said in his usual monotonous voice.

"Y-yes" You stutter as you walk away to get cleaned up.

As you were leaving you thought to yourself 'What is this feeling that I'm having?'

———————————————-Time skip to breakfast——————————————

As you were walking in you heard Lola say "I wonder what they're doing right now? I mean the last time I saw them they were cuddl-" That was as far as she got when everyone on the opposite side of her had the look of total fear.

"Huh, what's wrong with you guys you look like you've seen a gh-" Lola was saying when she turned around only to find you with your arms crossed and a very pissed off look.

"H-Hey (F/N), h-how are you f-feeling?" She asks while stuttering.

"Oh I feel great, so great in fact that I'll give you a three second head start in order to run for your life." You say in a sickeningly sweet voice.

Lola calmly gets up as you start counting.

"3....." you start and she calmly walks past you.

"2....." you continue and she makes a mad dash towards the doors.

"1....." you finish and you disappear and then reappear in front of Lola before she has the chance to escape out the doors. You the punch Lola so hard on the head that she face plants in the ground and crates a small crater to where her face is.

You then calmly walk over to where everyone is seated and ask like nothing has happened "So, did I miss anything while I was sick?" Everyone seems to have stiffened at the sound of your voice. Eren finally speaks up and says "Um, we're going on another expedition again in about three weeks."

"Oh, I didn't know that, I hope that we don't have any casualties during this expedition." You say.

"Don't worry, with you and your other three friends, I'm sure we can finally beat the titans." Eren says and everyone nods.

"Um, yeah sure." You say. However, everyone seems to have notice that you were acting strange. So, Armin decides to ask, "Hey, (F/N) are you okay?"

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now