Chapter 7

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_____________________________Your POV__________________________

You were walking down the long corridor thinking about the upcoming meeting that is about to begin in about five minutes. That was when someone bumped into you.

"Oh, I'm very sorry I wasn't paying attention!" You apologized hastily as you look up and see a tall man with blond hair parted slightly down the middle. He also had a bit of a mustache and a small beard that covered his chin.

He simply replied with a 'its fine' before continuing on his way.

'Well he seems like an interesting person' you thought before continuing on towards the meeting place.

——————————————————time skip to the meeting———————————————-

As everyone gathered together, you and your three friends are standing on what to be some kind of platform. The commander the shouted "ATTENTION!" That seemed to have stopped all the mumbling on what was going on. The commander the proceeded to talk on who you guys were and where you and your friends came from. He even mentioned that you were a commander back in your world. As he said this you flinched at memories of the time when you were commander.

After he was done speaking, you took a step forward and shouted "Would all the squad leaders please step up and introduce yourselves....and that includes you as well commander" You whisper the last part to the commander as all the squad leaders lined up.

The first to speak was a women with brown hair and glasses "I'm squad leader Hanji Zoe! It's nice to meet ya!" she said in an energetic type voice. The next to speak was the man you bumped into earlier "I'm squad leader Mike Zacharius."

The next to speak was Levi "Tch, I'm Lace Corporal Levi Ackerman also known as Humanities Strongest." He said in his usual monotoned voice. The last to go up was Erwin " I'm Commander Erwin Smith." He said

After a while of complete silence you finally said "Okay I got it." Everyone seemed confused by you statement before you continued to say " Maynard you are to be paired up with Squad Leader Hanji, Ayame you are to be paired up with Commander Erwin, Lola you will be paired up with Squad Leader Mike, and I will be paired up with Lance Corporal Levi."

Nearly everyone was shocked to hear you say this, that was until Lola, Maynard, and Ayame started to go over to their new partners.

__________________________Lola's POV_______________________

I walked over to the odd man that had blond hair parted down the middle. As I approached him I say "I can't believe I get paired up with a human." (F/N) seemed to have heard this and said " Stop complaining dumbass!"

"Tch." was the only response I gave her.

Mike was just staring at me and was starting to get on my nerves.

"What the hell are you staring at." I spat

He just starting walking over and started to sniff me. I stiffened up automatically.

'What the hell is wrong with this guy.' I thought. That was when he said "You smell like a dog."

I was in total shock until I heard laughing coming behind me.

(F/N) was laughing her ass off and said " You couldn't have put it better!"

I then mumbled "It's not my fault if Haru likes to jump on me." Mike seemed to have heard that and said "Who is Haru?"

I smirked at that and said "I can show you if you'd like." He simply nodded.

I bit my thumb hard enough to draw out a little blood then slamming my hand on the ground. There was then a puff of smoke, after the smoke cleared there stood a large dog about the size of a small house that had spikes coming out of its back.

Everyone was shocked even Mike was. That was when I cleared things up and said "This is Haru."

Haru moved over to Mike and took a large whiff and exhale that it blew his hair back. Haru barked happily and laid on his stomach so that he was face to face with Mike.

"He want you to pet his head." I stated with a large grin on my face while thinking 'well if Haru like him then maybe he isn't as bad as I originally thought."

_____________________Maynard's POV______________________

I walked up to the woman named Hanji and said "Hi the names Maynard, nice to meet ya!" I said in an enthusiastic voice.

Hanji's face seemed to have lit up as she pounded me with questions.

"How did you get here?, Why are you here?, Are you really over 2,000 years old?, If so how are you able to live so long?" She continued to ask me questions at rapid speed as I sweat dropped. I then started to laugh a bit too hard as Hanji stopped asking questions.

"Why are you laughing so hard?" she asked while she puffed her cheeks out a little as if she were pouting at the fact that I was laughing instead of answering questions.

"Sorry, sorry, it's just that your really funny you know that!" I exclaimed.

I then said "I'll answer your questions later but for now I would like to get to know my new partner a little better." I said.

She seemed to have brighten up at the fact that I had asked this. She then asked "Do you know much about titans?"

I said a simple "no, why?" I heard a few people groan as I said this.

Hanji then took my arm and started to lead me somewhere.

I asked with a little bit of concern in my voice "where are we going?"

She stopped and looked at me and said "Since your my new partner, you are going to have to learn as much about titans as I have and in order to do that we are going to my lab." She stated and I had a feeling that this was going to take a while.

____________________________Ayame's POV__________________________

I was walking towards the person they called their commander. As I stood in front of him I simply said "I hope we get along." and extended my hand. He took it and gave a firm shake.

"Do you have any idea what (F/N) is planning?" I heard Erwin say. I gave a chuckle at the question. "I have an idea as to what she is doing." I said.

"And that is ?" Erwin asked. "Well lets see, I think she is one believing that the personality of each person she assigned to will match and make a better partnership."

"And the second one is?" Erwin then asked.

"The second one is that she is so worried about each squad here that she assigned us to protect them." I stated as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

'However, I think it would most likely to be the first one." I added. Then I saw Erwin raise an eyebrow and ask "why do you think that?"

I turned to him and said "Its because she trust everyone here, that necklace you have there proves it."

He just stood there socked for a few seconds before saying "You seem to look up to her."

I turned to him and said "Yeah, she is kind of our light in a way." He seemed confused before shrugging it off.

"Oh, yeah, that reminds me, (F/N) said we should be heading to wherever you guys eat." I said in a happy tone.

"Why is that?" He asked.

"You'll find out when we get there." I replied

He looked even more confused but with a hint of curiosity.

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