Chapter 4

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-Peter pov-
I groan as I slowly open my eyes up. I look around to see all of my family in the med bay. I smile and the realize they are sleeping facing me. I look over myself and find where I have been stitched up.

I sigh as I start to get out of the bed. I stop when I feel a weight on me slightly. I turn confused and see Betty laying on my legs. I place a hand on her head before slowly getting free.

I get up and jump to the roof. I crawl out quietly and to the hallway. I land on the floor and walk around the place. The compound seems to have changed a little bit.

"You know we almost took her in" I turn and see Bruce standing there with a green woman "She is not the same Elizabeth I was in love with"

"You should know what gamma can do to the brain better than anyone Bruce" He looks away and I look at the lady "Who are you? I feel like I have seen you before"

"Man of spiders" I turn and see a man in a white pharaoh get up "I need a word with you"

"Get in line" I turn again to see daredevil standing there with the fantastic four "We have dibs"

"I believe that goes to us since he is our staff" i am getting motion sick from all of this turning around "That family member of ours needs to come with us for some medical tests before anything else"

"Back off" Tony has a repulsor ready to fire at everyone "He was hurt and is staying here until I say!"

"EVERYONE RESPECTFULLY SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shake my head as I try to gather my thoughts "Why is everyone here? What do you all want or need?"

"We are not alone" All of the heroes get ready as the lights flicker "The multiverse has collapsed finally"

"The spell is undone!" Steven rushes out to us with the girls "Everyone knows Peter!"


-Mysterio pov-
I smile as memories come back to me. Peter is my number one enemy. I became this crystal ball because of him. He is who I plan on destroying.

I look at a paper I got on my door the other day. It is from a scorpion guy. He is putting together a true team. I am one of the members he wants.

I look at the address and start my way there. I am going to put Peter in a early grave. I will make sure he watches his loved ones die before that though. No one will be safe in his life.

-Peter pov-
"Pregnant women need in a safe house no one knows about" Beast nods and leads the three away with some random heroes "Thunderbolts we need you as our back up plan"

"Have they not proven ourselves?" I look at the lady who has been helping get them together "They are ready!"

"Which is why they are the backup plan" Tony walks up beside me "If we lose anyone then we need newer people to take their place"

"I understand" She looks at me and gives a nod "I will make sure they are ready"

"This is just the first wave" I look at Tony who seems deadly serious "We have no idea what comes next"

"I do" We all look at the Loki that came to us "It is kang but that is not New York's only problem I fear"

"Mysterio will find people for me" I look at Daredevil and the Four "What did you hear?"

"Scorpion, A rhino guy, Female vulture, Kraven, taskmaster, and Mysterio" I sigh at the mention of Liz "I take it you know one personally?"

"Female vulture is mine" Everyone is ready to attack as Adrian comes to us "She is my daughter that left when I was arrested thanks to my mistakes that Peter saved me from"

"You never told" I walk over to him and hold my hand out "Glad to see you here"

He is about to shake my hand when he gets shot. My eyes go wide and I look back at Yelena. She points and I turn to see it was a robot. I look and see everyone ready to turn against each other.

"Karen now" I look at everyone and see they are normal "I implemented new tech that Karen is using we need to go now!"

They all follow me as I safely take them out the back. I will find the safe house...I look and see hulk in the security room with the girl. They do not have my girls. I stop and look back to see everyone still glowing blue.

I just lost three of my loves and my babies. Someone is going to die.

No strings attached (Web of love sequel) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now