Chapter 18: Shutting down an invasion

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-Reed pov-
"There is only one chance of this working Clint" I hover my hand over the button as shots ring outside of my door "You best know what you are doing with Peter"

-Five days ago-Peter pov-
I am dragged into a room and forced to my knees. I look up to see the Queen on her throne. She has a smirk and a hand on her stomach. I glare as she slowly stands up.

"You know I have enjoyed this game of cat and mouse" She slowly walks toward me still smirking like she will win "I will spare you and your girls cause I did enjoy you all"

"Spare earth and you can have me" She chuckles as she stops just to cup my face "I said nothing funny"

"The fact you are being serious is what I find funny" I hear yelling and soon Valentina is sliding across the floor "We will start killing people with connection to you until you tell me what I need to know"

"Do not do it peter" I look at the girl with only my eyes as my face is stuck by the hand of the Queen "Stay strong! Never back down!"

"Kill the bitch" I yell no as they shoot her through the head so I fight free and kill the guards "I will kill May if you do not calm down!"

I stop and get a gun to the back. I am knocked loopy but I still can see. I watch as she pushes the guard then kills him. She snaps and I am soon picked up by the guards.

I get thrown into a cell and they walk away.


"They killed Valentina so I need you to listen close to me ok?" I hear nothing so I just go on "I have a plan but you have to follow through ok? Plan S has to go through ok? Tony was not brought with me but you have to get him...we have to make things right with the timeline"

"What do we need to do?"

"Start with this..."

-Three days ago-
"I have killed Valentina! I have killed U.S. Agents wife!" I look in anger as she holds a gun to U.S. Agents head "I will kill him too! Now tell me what I need to know! Tell me where they are! TELL ME PETER!"

"Do it" I look John in the eyes "Do it"

"They are on alert but soon they will stop" I look her in the eyes "They are going back to the old compound in a few days like we planned so we can try to find anything you left"

"Thank you" She pulls the trigger and his body falls "He can join his wife and mistress in hell"

"You will join them too" She smirks as she places a hand on her belly "You have all the power...why do this? Why become pregnant with my baby? Why make an army?"

"This was not what we wanted at first" I see the sincerity in her eyes and hear it in her voice "Sure we studied the Illuminati and took them but...but we just wanted to see what the humans were like! Then Galactus came and he devoured our planet"

"Devoured your planet?" She nods and I can see the sadness "Who is Galactus?"

"The world eater your Illuminati was looking to study" She looks at me confused "Have they not told you?"

"No" I sigh and speak again "I am sorry about your planet but if they were afraid then that means he is coming here! You take this planet and then you do what? Lose this one and have to try again?"

"You bring up a good point" She shrugs as my cuffs get put back on "Guess we will have to see"

I narrow my eyes as I am walked out. I am taken to my cell and think about the plan. We shut the invasion down in three days. I just hope they have everything ready.

I hope the girls know I am doing this for them and the babies.

-Current time-
"I bring the last one" I look wide eyed as May is brought out with a gun to her head "You have been resilient!"

"I TOLD YOU EVERYTHING!" She chuckles and it clicks "You know"

"I have known for days now Peter" She cocks the gun and May flinches "Now you will break for me"

"NO!" There is a siren that blares and she pulls the gun back "What is that?"

"I am not sure" She looks confused "What is happening?"

-Wanda pov-
"She has killed our family! She is threatening our planet!" I look at all of the leaders on the holopad "Reed push the button"

"Yes Mam" I see him push it and soon all Skrulls are visible "This will last for a few hours! Teams! Kick some ass"

"ATTACK!" The mutants and Avengers charge toward the Skrull guards and army "TAKE THEM DOWN!"

I launch energy and magic attacks at the building. Jennifer and Betty run rough shot. The spies are sneaking in to attack power. The mutants and other avengers are focused on kicking ass.

Loki has our backup plan with Tony.

-Peter pov-
We watch as everyone is attack the building. I laugh and get looked at like I am crazy. The guards back away as I start to tear up. I shake my head and look at the Queen.

"You brought your people here to take earth but your forgot one thing" I break the cuffs and all guns point at me "We are earths mightiest heroes bitch"

Arrows shoot and I rush the guards. I jump and catch my spider symbol. I push it and the suit attaches to me. I save May while the other take people out.

I get her into the nano suit and send her to the safe point. I am about to follow when I am tackled down. I groan and stagger to my feet. I look to see it is the Queen.

"I wanted to bring order to my people!" I stand ready to fight while she raises her gun "I will end you!"

"But you will not" I look at Tony and see him with infinity stones on his suit "You played god but I am god"

"Tony?" His faceplate opens and I see his eyes hold stars in them "Tony the stones are controlling you!"

"I am god Peter" He faces toward her "Watch what I can do now"

Before I can stop him he blasts her. I watch as she is erased from existence. She may have been bad but she was pregnant. He smiles and raises his hand for a high five.

"Bring it in" I hug him and feel him tense "You know what I must do"

I catch him off guard and get him out of the suit. I switch places and feel the power. His eyes go back to normal as he looks at me. I can see the worry on his face.

"Peter no!" I make a force field so he can not stop me "PETER STOP THIS!"

"I will fix everything the best I can" I give a watery smile to him "I will see you all again I promise"

With that I bring my hands together into a clap.

Everything fades away slowly.

All sound goes first.

Then taste.



I did this for them...I hope they know that.

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