Chapter 5

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-Jean pov-
"This is crazy man!" I look between the two guys "This is dumb! One thing is attacking Spider-Man but this! This is loco!"

"The bitches can not do anything" I look at the other super powered pregnant girl beside me "What can they do? They are the bait for our spider! She said that he would come for them and that is what will happen!"

"You see a Hunter" The scorpion guys pokes the hunter guy "You should know that this all seems like a trap"

"We kill her after we get the spider" They both smile and the Hunter guy looks at us "You three are going to not have to worry about labor pains"

Oh he did not just threaten our babies!

"She glows?" I look and see Wanda glowing too while pepper has her nano square ready "Just who did here are these three?"

"They will not live to show" Pepper shoots the hunter guy backwards with a nano repulsor "Oh fuck"

She gets us free and the two both look afraid. A woman scorned is one thing. A pregnant woman angry is another. Both in one is something you do not want to fuck with.

They are going to learn that today.

-Peter pov-
I land outside of the place I am getting the ping. I am so happy Pepper used the tracking device. I had no idea Jean was pregnant. I wish she would have told me she is.

"Peter look at me" I look at Steven who is beside Logan "I can fix the spell to where only the avengers and our friends know but there is a chance of something happening"

"Is it major?" They both nod and I sigh "What is it Steven? What is that bad that even Logan agrees it is"

"There is a chance that someone important that is apart of all of us may also forget" I look at Logan and see he is being dead serious "It could possibly one of your girlfriends"

"Whatever it takes for their safety" I web their feet and the hands of wolverine "I am sorry for this"

I quickly dash into the building of the hiding villains. I am not surprised when everything goes dark. Mysterio will never change his tricks. I secretly turn on Karen and see Liz slowly sneak around while images of a huge spider comes at me.

"Boo" I dodge the blade as Mysterio blasts energy at me "What the hell?!"

"I have upgraded myself" I web launch at Mysterio and punch the fish bowl "YOU WILL NOT LEAVE THIS PLACE!"

I hear him gasping for air as I jump to Liz. She tries to fly but I tear apart the wings engines. She crashes down as I land on her back. I rip the wings off and let her crawl away some.

Mysterio blasts me away some with a energy ball. I narrow my eyes and walk to him. He shoots at me but I just take it. I bring my fist back and go to break the bowl.

"Stop!" I hold my fist inches away "They have this place rigged"

"Why help me?" I turn to see Liz unconscious beside Taskmaster "Why?"

"Because you helped me and I owed you" She tosses me a flash drive "All you need to know and I am happy to be forgetting who you are Peter"

"This is not how it is supposed to go!" Mysterio blasts me into Taskmaster and we both groan in pain "I am undefeatable! I am the worst villain you have ever faced! I am Myst~"

The ceiling falls right on top of him "I told you that blast would do it" I watch as Jean and Wanda float the two unconscious villains toward us "Oh I guess we missed one"

"She is good for now" I slowly stand up and look at Liz "Come on out Adrian"

"I did not realize she could track my suit with hers" I narrow my eyes and Adrian stops "What?"

"I never told Adrian the suits could be tracked" I move as a sword busts Adrian's head apart "Mysterio! Taskmaster you killed him!"

"I did what must be done" I look at her confused "He got too strong...there was no pulling him out and now you can fix your spell"

"You may be good yet" Taskmaster shakes her head and I smile "Where are the girls?"

"Here" I look to see the real Adrian flying down with them "They kicked ass and passed out"

"Your daughter was knocked out but not hurt badly" He nods and we swap girls "Take care was good knowing you kid"

"You too" I watch as they leave and I turn to my girls "You all ok?"

"We had it all under control" I smile as Jean and the girls hug me "Thanks for coming for us Peter"

"Always" I hear footsteps and see Logan frowning "I am sorry"

"It's ok kid" Logan sighs and walks closer "We know who forgot"

"Who?" Logan looks away and I grow worried "Who Logan?"

"No time" Steven comes in with a portal "Kangs first attack is being launched!"

We all share a worried look before following him. Things are about to heat up.

No strings attached (Web of love sequel) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now