Chapter 12: X gonna give it to ya final

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-Peter pov-
We have followed Wade to a remote location in the woods. We took all of the injured to the mansion to get help. The ones who could not be saved we will hold a memorial for. We have crews searching to see if anyone was able to survive the explosion.

Deadpool, as he is called, has lead us to the woods behind the mansion. The X-Men team and avengers are on stand by at the mansion. They may know the X-Men but Deadpool says they do not know the avengers. When he stops we stop with him.

"Starks signal ends here" Logan pops his claws out and I get ready for a fight "I am so tired of being the bad guy and the good guy ok? These tombstones are for the two I have lost"

"But there are three" He nods and I shake my head "You are not dying here Wade"

"Why not?" He turns and removes his mask "Look at me! I was supposed to be dead from cancer and that woman is the only one who loved me! No one else loves me! Why keep going huh? I am going to fucking kill myself you fuck sticks! The voices in my head will be quiet and your Tom Holland ass will never see me again!"

"Do it Wade" I look at Logan like he is insane cause he is "Kill yourself!"

"I will!" He moves the gun and points it to his head "On bullet will kill me!"

"But it would not" Deadpool shoots and there is a thud "Damnit! Shit! What the hell?!"

"For someone who knows the mutant kind you did not learn everyone's weakness" Deadpool puts his mask back on "I am not able to die to a normal bullet like this!"

He shoots his foot and falls "I switched the bullets out fuckwad!" The man stands and I finally see who it is "Damn!"

"He is the kid that got expelled" I look at him with Logan who gives a nod "Why are you here?"

"I have been trying to save Xavier but he died so I was going to save my brother" The alarm goes off and his eyes go wide "He is here!"

We all take off for the mansion and I watch fire burn. I get inside first and see my girls ushering kids to safety. I move to the Avengers and see them fighting with the X-Men. There is a man that is blue in blue armor.

"My god it is apocalypse" I look at Jean who's eyes are wide "He was dead!"

"It appears he is not" Havok moves in front of us "I will not miss this time"

He is about to use his powers when my senses go off. I look and see our teacher storm facing us. But my senses went off at her. But she is our friend and a teacher here.

My answer is when lightning strikes us both. I protect Jean with a web and get ready for a fight. Angel is beside her and so is Pietro. I get up and go to beside Logan.

"Why betray us?" Angel shows off his metal wings "You know how this ended last time"

"This time we are stronger and I am tired of being held back" Storm holds out her hand "Join us you two! Join us and show the world we are stronger than them!"

"Sorry" I silently activate instadeath "But I will take you down before you hurt anyone in this school and my family"

I go to attack but get launched into a wall. Everything is blurry as I come to. Logan is down and so are many others. I have no idea who is alive or dead right now. I do notice though that my girls are with them.

Anger courses through me like never before. I stumble up and ignore the nano suit being destroyed. The suit is not what makes me. I make Spider-Man and I will end this right now!

"Listen here mother fucker" I turn and see Nick holding up a bazooka "Lights out on yo damn ass"

He shoots it and I look at my girls. They fall through a portal with the teens. Apocalypse seems confused as the explosion hits him. When the dust clears we all see him standing there still.

"You could not kill me mortal" He holds out his hand "But I can kill you and them"

"Who needs to be mortal?" There is a crack as he goes flying away "When you can live for centuries?"

"Or forever?" Logan slowly gets up with Wade "Even if you keep coming back so will we"

"Because that is who we are" Storm holds her hand out toward me "No matter how weird a plan may be"

"No matter how small or big!" Apocalypse gets flicked by Ant-man's huge fingers "You will never beat us"

"Because we are a family!" The hulk duo smash the ground and send him into a Colossus German suplex "And no one messes with our family"

"I am all powerful!" Apocalypse staggers to his feet "I became the X apocalypse! I am unbeatable!"

"Someone  is always better than someone else" Jean and wanda fly above him and I see fear on his face "Until someone better beats them at their game"

They both shoot energy at him and he screams. He tries to fight but we rush him. He can barley fight us off without losing focus. So with one last energy wave from him the girls overpower him.

He falls lifeless and we stand tall. It is silent as we take in what has happened. We lost the school, our home, and some people. Things are going to be different without all of that. But will still stand tall because we have each other.

With that we will always be better than anyone else.

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