Chapter 16: Invasion begins

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-Peter pov-
"The Spider-Men and women are all still here" I look at the screen with everyone on it and most seem to be happy "What does that mean?"

"It means the universe has not had a reason to send them back" I turn with Tony to see Sam walking in with a briefcase "Special gift from an old friend"

"That is plan S" I look at Tony confused and he sighs "Steve returned the stones but he also did not"

"The universe splits based on choices we make" Loki walks in and we all watch him closely "I am a variant from one where I escaped death and everything else"

"So variant Steve kept the stones?" Loki shakes his head with a frown "What did he do?"

"In one timeline Tony snapped and died" Loki walks over and opens the case "In another timeline Steve grieves and tries to bring everyone back"

"Wait if the skrulls can get tech and replicate people" I look at the cameras and then take off "Lock down the compound!"

I run and push the red alert button quickly. I am close to reaching my girls when I run into someone. I look and see it is a confused Clint. I look past him to see Clint walking up to the girls.

"NO!" I push Clint at the other one and run over "Which one of you is the real Clint?"

"What do you mean?" The one in a black shirt steps forward "I am!"

"No I am!" The costumed one steps forward "You can ask me anything!"

"Anything?" They both nod and I think until I have a question "Where did you find me after Kate?"

"Kate I was helping take down someone" Costumed Clint smirks "We found you during that Spidey"

"He never calls me Spidey" I do not pull my punch as I make him go flying "The skrulls are pretending to be us!"

"How many are already switched?" I look at Clint and shrug cause I honestly do not know "You stay in constant contact with me got it?"

I nod and turn on the comm link between us "Now girls I need you all to follow me" They nod and they walk with me "We need to keep you all safe"

"What if you already have failed?" I stop and turn to see skrull men and women where the girls were "W are already inside"

"Where are they?" I feel anger unlike ever before and feel like I am about to go into black out rage "WHERE ARE THEY?!"

-Tony pov-
"The spiders are all still there" I look closer at the footage and see sign language "Son of a bitch"

"What?" I watch Sam move closer to the screen "Anything off?"

"Everything" A dagger goes through Sams chest and my eyes go wide "I have met my fair share of skrulls getting back to here"

"We are all inside of the avengers and X-Men!" The skrull laughs as it dies "You can not stop what you can not see!"

"ENOUGH!" We all turn to see a black suited Spider-Man "I have had enough of you and all of this!"

He rushes over and launches at the skrull. I get between them knowing the skrull is dying. There is no reason to snap a neck. I can see Peter shaking as he stops.

I analyze what is on him quickly. My database pulls up aliens and I groan. The symbiotic relationship is to Peters body. Quill sent me the information on this thing.

"You have a Venom symbiote on you bud" Peter tilts his head in what I assume in confusion "This will hurt just a little bit"

I set off electric shock on him and the symbiote starts coming off. I pull it into a vacuum seal and Peter falls. Loki looks over him before giving a thumbs up.

"Time to come clean I guess" I turn and see Scott walking over "They know things because of studying the Illuminati"

"There was a girl missing" I look at Peter confused "Spider-Woman"

"But she has been in there" I look at the screen to see the upside down lady "I know where they are"

-Time skip-May pov-
"Everything will be ok" I look at the girls "No one will do anything to any of you"

"Do not make promises you can not keep" I glare at the green lady "I understand why you love the boy though...has a nice package"

"YOU BITCH!" Natasha grabs at her just to be shocked away "Fuck you!"

"That's what I did to your fiancé" She smirks but it goes away when the alarm goes off "I thought you said they would not come back to this place!"

"You see I am not exactly on your side" The skrull gives a sarcastic shrug with a smile planted on his face "I work for shield and I brought you to the only place they could go once figured out"

"You will die for betraying your Queen!" She takes off while guards come running in "I need to leave and stay out of the action!"

There is repulsor blasts and a lot of thuds before silence. We wait in suspense to see what happens. We let out relieved sighs when we see our family. Peter runs over and rips the door off the cell.

"I got you all" He gives us each a hug before stepping away "Where did the leader go?"

"She ran saying she slept with you and can not fight" Peters eyes go wide and I am confused "What?"

"Karen run the chance of me getting a skrull pregnant after three rounds" I narrow my eyes and can feel the anger from the others "Shit"

"You got an alien queen pregnant?!" I do not have to see his face to know he cringes "You are in so much trouble!"

"That can wait" Tony shows a holographic photo and we all gasp in shock "That is where the Baxter building was"

"What do we do now?" The guys seem lost and so do the super girls "Anything?"

"We take out the invasion" Peter sighs and shakes his head "We can only hope we are able to stop it dead in its tracks"

I give a nod as we start leaving. This invasion is going to be an all out war. We may lose some family a long the way. But for everyone we lose they will lose more.

I will make sure of that.

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