Chapter 17: The confessions of the damned

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-Kamala pov-
"When do they realize we are here?" I look at Carol who shrugs "I mean Peter will find us right?"

"The spiders went home and he is upset" I see a confused look and Carol must see it too "What? The spider people went home"

"Well no they are still at the new compound" we both shake our heads and Johnny looks scared "What the fuck? No this is not good!"

"What do you mean?" Johnny starts pacing the cell and I get worried "What do you mean?!"

"The spiders were still in the compound so that means they are skrulls!" My eyes go wide at what he said "They are out numbered"

"Then I guess we best work on getting to them" Johnny nods and I look at our other cell mate "You coming with?"

"I have been waiting for this moment" He pulls out a remote and pushes a red button "You would be surprised what you can do with soap, batteries, and some wires"

-Peter pov-
"Alright so the spiders move in today" Tony nods and I take a deep breath "The girls have been asleep all day and I...I just do not know who to trust right now"

"Trust me and Loki" I give a small nod and Tony makes me look at him fully "I love you kid"

"I love you too Tony" We share a quick hug as the doors open "Alright they are here?"

My spider sense is tingling like crazy. I watch as they start coming in. I look at them and notice something off immediately. Older Peter has natural webs not a web shooter.

"THEY ARE FAKES!" I move Tony as they start shooting "Send out an alert!"

He nods and I do a quick look. They are moving toward us quickly. I tap Tony and we hide in a small opening. They run past as the alert goes out.

The new compound is under attack. We are low on members here. Clint is here, Bruce is here, Scott is here, and we are here. We get out of the opening and silently follow them.

They transform again as they approach the others. Tony stands up and suits up in nanotechnology. He has a repulsor ready and I see the confused looks. Older Peter Skrull narrows his eyes before speaking.

"Tony why are you going crazy on us?" Tony shoots him and we all go wide eyed "The fuck?"

"I am done with these fucking skrulls!" Tony's tiny missiles go to shoot but Reed comes running in "This best be important!"

"I have a device that can read who is skrulls and who is not" Reed points his device toward the spiders "Yeah just shoot them"

"Good enough for me" The missiles launch and they all go down but one "We are keeping you for interrogation"

"Reed can..can you come with me?" He checks everyone before nodding "Thank you"

"No problem Peter" He follows me out of the room and to my room "Pete?"

"Look I trust them but" I sigh and open the door "Please"

Reed nods and walks in quietly. He holds the device up and all is good until it beeps. Reed looks back at me with a frown. The girls all start to get up from the beeping.

"What is happening?" I wipe the tears in my eyes and she knows "Look I know I tricked you bu-but I can change! I can be someone better! I can help you all! Please she just hurts us! She forces so many of us to do things we do not want!"

"Change from May now" She does and I calm myself down "Where is she? Where is May?"

"They have her on the ship mothering the babies" The girl looks at her lap and holds out her arms "I can be detained now"

"Excellent idea" I put my hand in front of Clint to stop him "Peter she is one of them! We can not trust them!"

"Who else has been taken?" She looks up at me and I see the emotions in her eyes "Come one sweetie this is your shot at redemption"

"May, Carol, Kamala, Johnny, The thing" She looks at the ceiling then me "I believe they were getting a Shuri, a Okoye, Susan, general Ross, and that is all that I know"

"Are they all in the same ship?" She shakes here head and Clint tilts his "What do you mean no?"

"I mean they had a ship but they may have already landed and moved everything" She looks over at Reed "They were going for a Baxter building for Susan"

"She has been in deep for a little while now" I look at her and she nods "We can use the help"

"You know anything else?" She nods and looks away again "What?"

"The Queen is pregnant with Peters baby and plans on using mutant genetics to make a new skrull army" I share a look between the two guys "She will hyper age them to be ready for a full scale invasion"

"Then we best get to them now" I nod along with Reed "If you remember anything else tell us"

She nods and gives a small smile "Alright the skrull gave all the info her could and is" Tony stops when he sees the girl "I see we have another one"

"We do" I punch Tony full force and he crumbles to the ground "Our compound is not safe! We need to move now!"

"What the hell?!" I point to the transforming Tony "Oh shit"

"Tony is still here" I look at the skrull girl as the girls get up to go "Let them take the girls and we can try to find Tony"

"Take this" Reed gives me a small device "It will beep when a skrull is near...try to avoid pointing it at her ok?"

I nod and take off with the girl. We run to where we left Tony earlier. Sure enough he is out cold with skrulls around him. I look out the window to see them making it to the jet.

"They need a distraction" The girl looks at me and shakes her head but I just give a wink "I got this...I SURRENDER!"

Guns are pointed at me as they turn. I am out in cuffs and taken to the ground. They praise her for the arrest and take me away. I will go on the inside to help.

Just hope they can keep my family safe while I am away.

No strings attached (Web of love sequel) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now