You're On Your Own, Kid

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"Jenna..." The girl standing above me looks at me, acknowledging the fact that I'm talking to her. "Aren't we a little old for this?"

Jenna scoffs, "You are unbelievable sometimes." I rolled my eyes, shaking my head slightly before she moves my head back harshly and continues. "I've finally got it and you're asking if we're too old, now?"

"Not that, but it's time travel, Jenna. You're twenty-six and counting and I know I said I'd always be the test monkey but don't forget what happened last time."

Jenna sighs, nodding. "Yes, I remember." She's quiet for a minute, continuing to plug-in wires, and then continues, "and I've learned from it."

I narrow my eyes at her. "Have you?"

"Yes!" She says, "I solemnly swear that I'll never shock you so much that you're in the hospital."

I puff out my cheeks, breathing out a long breath as she finishes hooking me up to her improved time machine. "Okay," I finally give, "when are we going?"

Obviously, I didn't believe in this time travel crap. It's been Jenna's mission to figure out time travel since the third grade (for me) when she watched Back To The Future with our family. Obviously, it being 2022, we would've thought that we'd had that figured out by now. No, all we get are political disasters and natural disasters.

The first time Jenna was convinced she cracked it, the machine itself whirred and then shut down. The second time, I felt a buzz, and then it shut down again. The last time was during 11th grade when she electrocuted me and I ended up in the hospital. Look, I'm all for her enthusiasm, but sometimes, enough is enough.

I stopped being her test monkey for a while before she started back up again and now swears she actually did it.

"So, I rewatched Supernatural again." She snickers. I rolled my eyes at her as she sat down in front of me and looked over me to make sure everything was right. Don't get me wrong, I love the show, but this is her 4th time watching it... in a row.

"Of course you did..." I sighed.

"And we're practically in the same timeline as season four. So, we're sending--"

"No, no, no." I wagged my finger from where my arm rested on the armrests of the chair. "Not 'we'."

She lets out a frustrated sigh, "Fine, I'm sending you to..." She begins to move the dials on the machine on the table and I felt a weird chill go down my back. "September eighteenth, two-thousand-eight."

"When Dean comes back? Really?"

"Say all you want, but it's going to work! I know it!"

I bit the inside of my cheek and readjusted a little on my seat with the straps holding down my legs and arms. Please don't kill me... please don't kill me...

"Ready?" Jenna asks, standing up again to the side of the machine with the large lever.

Sarcasm is always the way. "As I'll ever be..."

Is Jenna aware that it's a fictional show?


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