9. Roses

319 16 11

season 4, episode 10; heaven and hell

"She has to die," Castiel answers. I remain where I am, not moving in the slightest.

"You want Anna?" Sam asks Cas. Cas only stares back at Sam in response. "Why?"

Uriel makes an attempt to get to Anna, but I lift up my gun. "Out of the way," Uriel says.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Dean attempts to protest.

I cock my gun, aiming it straight at Uriel. "Might not hurt you, but it'll keep you back," I spit. Uriel glares at me.

"Okay, I know she's wiretapping your angel chats, or whatever, but it's no reason to gank her," Dean tells Castiel.

"Don't worry," Uriel interjects. "I'll kill her gentle." Uriel sneers at Dean; it makes my blood boil.

"You're some heartless sons of bitches, you know that?"

"As a matter of fact," I look over at Cas as he speaks up, "we are." Castiel looks up at Dean, keeping an utterly calm expression. "And?" I loved Cas, I really did. He turned out to be one of my favorite characters from this show, but he's being a real dick.

Castiel looked at me and tilted his head slightly before Sam spoke up. "And Anna is an innocent girl," Sam said. Castiel looked away from me to Sam.

"She is far from innocent," he replies, shaking his head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam questions.

"It means she's worse than this abomination you've been screwing," Uriel says.

I snort quietly, "For an angel, you have a really bad tongue."
Uriel ignores me and I almost forget that Ruby is next to me when I feel her tense a bit.

"Now give us the girl."

Dean and Sam exchange glances; what I always knew was their silent communication. Sam nods a bit and Dean looks back at Uriel and Castiel. "Sorry. Get yourself another one. Try JDate."

"Who's gonna stop us? You two?" Uriel takes a step forward toward the brothers. "Or this damn so-called friend of yours?" Uriel grabs the life out of my wrist, making me drop the gun I was holding. Uriel tosses me harshly to the wall. I feel the air get knocked out of my lungs once my back hits the wall.

I groan at the pain taking over my body. "Ugh, why didn't you do that to the demon?" I groaned once I fell to the ground. Once I looked back up, Uriel was right in front of me and grabbing me by the throat. He stood me back up as I desperately tried to get his hand to release my throat. I gasp from the adrenaline and watch in fear as Uriel is bringing his index and middle finger to my forehead. From over Uriel's shoulder, I see Dean try to hit Uriel, only to get hit instead and shoved away.

But it makes Uriel let me go and fall to the ground. I'm coughing, trying to catch my breath and Sam is by me in seconds, holding me by the shoulders and asking frantic questions. But he's pulled off of me by Cas. Sam stands in front of me in defense but holds his hands up. "Cas, stop... please." Castiel easily places his fingers on Sam's forehead, which makes him lose consciousness. I look up at Ruby, but she's only watching this all unfold.

"Cas!" I try to call, but my throat is now incredibly itchy and it comes out more hoarse than intended. Castiel gets to the door where Anna is hiding on the other side, but suddenly there's a loud crash of thunder and bright flashes of light. Ruby goes to me and blocks the light from getting to either of us, so I miss the disappearance of the angels.

Once the light is gone, all of us are panting like crazy and trying to process what's happening. Dean thumps to the floor, trying to regain control as Ruby is standing up away from me. I start taking slower breaths to regain my own control and look over at Sam. He's completely passed out, unaware of what just happened. I crawl over to his head and start trying to shake his shoulders awake.

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