4. Since We're Alone

471 18 14

season 4, episode 5; monster movie

With everything that has happened in the short time of me being here, there was something that always calmed me down and made me forget about real-life problems and that was reading the classic novels.

At the last gas station we stopped at, I found a copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Sam bought it for me after he made me promise that I'd lend it to him after I'd finish it. So now I was laying across the backseat with a flashlight in my mouth and reading the book. The occasional rumble of thunder would sound along with the radio and engine of the Impala. It was a nice ambiance.

The Halloween-y music wasn't fitting into this though. I used one of my hands and took out the flashlight but kept it so that it lit up the pages of the book. "The radio sucks," I said to no one in particular. It was shut off and I hummed in satisfaction and put the flashlight back in my mouth.

"Come on, man, jobs don't get much weirder than this, ya know?" Dean says to Sam who also is using a flashlight to read, but a file instead of a book. "Dead vic with a gnawed-on neck, body drained of blood, and a witness who swears up and down that it was a vampire." My eyes moved from the book to the side when Dean spoke. My mouth opened wider, causing the flashlight to fall out and land on my chest before falling to the ground. I was quick to grab it before it went under the seats and sat up, closing the book.

"Say what now?" I questioned unconsciously.

They ignore me and Sam responds. "No, I — I agree, it's a hell of a case."

"A little more gusto, please."

"It's just... the world is coming to an end. Things are a little more complicated, you know?"

"Yeah, well, we can't save the world, not today anyway. But what we can do is chop some Vamps' heads." Oh my God, I'm in Monster Movie. Jenna would kill to be in my position right now. I giggled happily to myself earning myself a confused glance from Dean from the rearview mirror. "Something you'd like to share with the class?"

"Nothing, nothing at all." He rolled his eyes and returned to his conversation with Sam.

"It's like the good old days. An honest-to-goodness monster hunt. It's about time the Winchesters got back to tackling a straightforward, black-and-white case. Plus Sofia."

Sam chuckled at my add-on and I continued to process the fact that I was in an actual episode mentally saved to my favorites.


Unlike the episode, we weren't in black and white. The sky was a bright blue and the sun a blazing yellow over the crowd of the townspeople and visitors. The brothers and I were in our FBI getups and along with my outfit, I topped it off with my hair curled (with the straightener Sam bought me the day we bought my pantsuit) and flats with a little bit of makeup to make it look like I was a professional outside from the skinny black pants and shoes. I know I should be questioning why I was so prepared to lie to the real cops about my identity, but to be fair, I learned a lot from Criminal Minds, and one of those things was that professionals are always calm while stating their identity.

"We still got to see that new "Raiders" movie," Dean says as we enter the event.

"Saw it," Sam and I say.

Dean stops and looks at us, "Without me?"

"You were in Hell," Sam told him.

"Random trip to the movies while I was in Arizona," I added with a shrug and fixed my shirt. It wasn't a complete lie. Jenna and I watched it when we were in Phoenix for Ella's college graduation. Rented it and everything.

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