Chapter 24

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Madison recounted the wad of cash in her hand for the fourth time this morning, and it still amounted to nine hundred and ten dollars.

She mentally calculated the estimate of the money she would spend on transport back to London and the miscellaneous expenses, and she breathed in relief when she saw that it would do.

Still she needed to have some cash on her when she got back to London, at least until she managed to get another job. To cut costs, she decided to skip breakfast this morning, and maybe just get a burger or a doughnut and a bottle of water, instead of a full course meal.

Not now though, she would have that when she had stayed at least an hour on the train, so the snack would last her until she got to her destination. Nodding in agreement to herself, she took out roughly fifty dollars and stuffed it safely into her purse.

After Madison packed up her belongings which weren't so plenty, she lugged her bags outside the motel and hailed a taxi that would take her to the train station.

Feeling nostalgic, as the car drove to the train station, the cool breeze whipping past Madison still couldn't believe she was finally leaving New York. It almost seemed like she had been here forever, but still she was glad.

Since she had been here she felt like she had not been able to relax, like she was choking and not having any peace of mind at all. Being in London would do her some good, she decided, and again at least she wouldn't have to deal with the media or the paparazzi.

She would go back to her home in Birmingham, where she could finally walk round in the streets without the fear of someone shoving a camera in her face or tossing a silly question about the past days event to her.

Madison was exhausted and nervous, but she was grateful.

Soon she got to the train station, and looking down at her phone again to check the time, she saw that she had arrived pretty early so she would have to wait for some time before her boarding train would come. Well, she didn't mind waiting, and this in mind she lowered herself into a chair as she waited.

Letting her mind wander, she was lost in thoughts until she heard, "Madison!"

She turned around in surprise when she heard the familiar voice call out, her eyes roaming through the crowd so she could spot the person. There was quite a number of people around so she had to search thoroughly, and she had almost giving up when her eyes finally sighted him.

It was Alvarez and his little girl who was skipping toward her, and tears started to fill up in her eyes. Alvarez had asked her to keep him updated on the date and time of her departure, and so she had, but she hadn't expected him to come see her off.

She didn't expect him at all, but here he was with a warm grin on his face, and her chest squeezed lightly.

As soon as he got to the chair, she stood, launching herself at him in an embrace burying her face in his bulky shoulders.

Alvarez began to chuckle, holding her in a tight embrace, as he whispered, "How are you?"

She pulled away wiping the tears of her eyes and nodding she started to say, "You came..."

He glanced at her weirdly, knowing the line she was going to and cutting her off he said, "Did you seriously think I would let you leave New York, without seeing you one last time? Come on, I literally miss you already. If I could get you to stay here, Lord knows I wouldn't hesitate to do it."

Madison laughed at his words, smiling and squatting a little to be on eye level with Ivy, she pulled the small girl her into a light hug, "Hey Ivy." She smiled, pinching the little girl's cheeks lightly, as she added, "How are you?"

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