Chapter 110

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Stepping into the prison visiting room, chained and in tatters, Katherine scrunched her face in disgust when she saw her father sitting with someone by his side.

It was his lawyer, and she almost let out a hiss the second she spotted the elderly man.

She'd told her father countless times over the phone not to bring anyone when coming to visit her, but he had done what he deemed right already, and now there was nothing she could do.

Nothing she could say too, except sit opposite them and listen to what they had come to say.

"You can leave me now. I'm fine." She spat out rudely at the officer leading her to her seat, and shoulder sagging, she began to walk towards them.

The second she approached, the two men stood up, and with a smile plastered on her father's face, he walked forward, arms outstretched, wanting to hug her.

"Father, please..." Katherine mumbled, rolling her eyes as he took her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Oh... I saw you two days ago, but it feels like an eternity. I miss you, daughter, and I promise I'll get you out of here." He said, sniffing at the same time, and Katherine just scoffed in response.

Would he get her out in no time? She'd been in this slimy dingy station for over a week now if she'd counted right, but there was no progress whatsoever.

The added fact that Damien was still in a coma, and the court couldn't proceed when he was in that state made her case all the more worse.

She had to stay in this place for as long as her victim was in a coma, and until he woke up or was ruled dead, only then would she know her fate.

Letting out a sigh, her eyes closed as her father's arms loosened from her body, Katherine sniffed regretfully as the flashes of that eventful day flashed through her head.

She should have killed the bitch, the second they'd landed on the beach, but no... Instead, what had she done?

Like as if a spell had been on her, she'd continued taunting Madison, swearing and cursing and just pointing her shotgun aimlessly at her.

If she'd killed and dumped her body in the ocean earlier on, Damien would not have caught her at all because she would have been long gone.

But now...

"Come, come have your seat."

Her father's voice cut through her thinking, and slowly Katherine waked to the seat, plopping her ass down and placing her cuffed hands on the table as she faced them squarely.

"Good day Miss Katherine. How are you?" The lawyer asked, his hands outstretched for a shake, but Katherine waved her cuffed wrists at him as if stating the obvious before replying, "I'm not okay, as you can see."

She was barely okay. She was managing to survive in the cell, and she was also running mad already.

Coupled with the increased thinking, lack of sleep, and good food, the migraine she was already suffering from before all these duly increased.

Even as she sat opposite her father and his lawyer, she could barely see them, her vision getting blurred, and she just let out a soft hiss yet again.

"Hmmm... so..." Her father began, but Katherine suddenly cut in by asking, "Anything from Damien yet? Is he still in a coma? Did his mother and sister accept my condolence and apologies?"

There was a brief silence that followed her question, and Katherine watched as her father looked at his lawyer before turning to look at her, and he then cleared his throat.

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