Chapter 99

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Mason alighted from the taxi quickly, handing the cab driver some dollar bills and immediately the car drove away, he turned to face the entrance of the family house.

The compound was abuzz, with police card stationed about, and the incessant whirring of their car alarms blaring loudly.

His brows were raised not in confusion because he knew why the officers were here, however he was wondering why his parents hadn't called to inform him of this situation.

Maybe, the police officers were just arriving. He thought to himself, but from the look of things, Mason knew better.

Every single person on the streets were stationed just right outside their doors, with some men and women talking to police officers and the street was filled up in a way he just didn't like.

Even reporters and journalists from media houses alike were stationed, talking to strangers and trying to gather whatever news or information they could get just to feed the television screen, and a wave of irritation filled Mason all too easily.

"This is all because of Madison." He muttered solemnly to himself, his hands on his head as he adjusted his baseball, and fixed his sunglasses well.

He'd suspected that he would meet something like this when he arrived, and so he had dressed up for the cause, wanting to be anonymous by all means.

Dread filled him, as he imagined what his parents would be going through now, and the questions the officers would be bombarding them with already.

He had to go in and make sure things were in...


Mason froze, his clenched fists unclenching as he did a 360 degree turn and came face to face with Micheal, his younger brother.

"Micheal!" He exclaimed, taking a few steps from where he was standing as he walked towards him.

"Damn man, it's been so long." Micheal greeted, pulling Mason into an unsolicited hug.

"Says the arrant prodigal son. The 'it's been so long' is definitely on your part. You've refused to visit, and countless times when I want to come see you, you're never at home. What's going on with you though."

Micheal sighed, hands going through his hair as he replied, "I don't think this is the best place and time to discuss all that I've been going through. There are more pressing matters at hand right now, and I'm still chilled about the disappearance of Madison. I'm scared brother, I'm..." He trailed of, a sob escaping his lips as a tear strayed down his cheeks and Mason could only pat him comfortingly.

"I understand brother, and I'm more than devastated. To think that I might even have a hand in this and... Fuck! I really neglected Madison. I've carried all the hate I had for her from childhood till this very moment, and now I'm wishing I never did. I'm already regretting every single thing I did to her, but there's this feeling within me that it might be too late and..."

"Hello there." Someone called out, and both brothers looking up, Mason instinctively stiffened when he saw two police officers walking towards them.

"What the fuck do they want?" Micheal hissed through his teeth, as he watched them saunter but Mason gave no reply, only watching the officers with hooded eyes.

He looked around and saw that most officers were entering their cars, and it looked like they were about leaving or something.

They must have talked for long, that they didn't realize that the policemen were done with their questioning and investigation likewise.

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