Chapter 120

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"Hello, mother." Damien smiled ruefully, his arms wide as he embraced Mrs Connor, and she dutifully fell into his warm hug.

"Son..." She began, "You look so good and strong already. How are you doing?" She queried with a raised brow, and Damien chuckled all the more.

"I'm doing fine, as you can see, thanks to Madison." He finished with a wink, and the pretty older woman laughed heartily.

"Come in, come in," Damien said again, his hands outstretched as he led her into his modest abode.

Kissing her on both cheeks, he allowed her to wander in and turned to face the rest of Madison's family.

Her father, brothers and their spouses were all present tonight for the reunion party and from the look of things, there was going to be a full house.

However, Damien reveled in it. He was more than happy that they'd all honored the invitation, and knowing that this dinner event would usher in many more to come, his eyelids twinkled as another waning idea flickered into his thoughts.

"Hello, brother." Micheal, Madison's immediate elder brother, greeted, his hands stretching out for a handshake which Damien accepted all too quickly.

Replying to his greetings and talking to the pretty lady by his side, Damien then talked to Mason and Mr Connor.

At long last, they finished exchanging pleasantries, and just when he thought he could go back into the mansion, he saw the approaching figure of Gina, Madison's best friend.

She was smiling erratically at him, and her arms were spread out; Damien pulled the young lady into a warm embrace as they exchanged pleasantries.

"I had no idea you were coming too." He exclaimed, his brows raised.

"Well, Madison invited me, and considering I'm family, I knew I had to come too."

"Family? You're more than family. I don't know what to say right now, but I'll be eternally grateful to you for keeping Madison company during her hard times and...."

"It's okay." Gina interrupted him, a sigh escaping her lips as she continued, "I'm so happy for you and Madison too. She deserves all this, and this reunion with her family will probably mean the world to her. I certainly know that."

Nodding in agreement, Damien took a step backwards, affording the lady ample time to step into the elegantly furnished room, and as he locked the door, he heard her ask.

"Where's Madison, though?"

"Oh, she's still dressing, I suppose. Come, let's make ourselves comfortable before she comes." Damien urged, leading Gina to the wine bar, and she agreed all too quickly.

Picking a champagne bottle and pouring the contents into two wine glasses, Damien handed over a glass to Gina. As their cups clinked, he used the minimum opportunity to look around the seemingly full living room.

He spotted his mother talking with Madison's mother, and they seemed to be having a very nice conversation because their lips were stretched into a wide smile, and the sight had Damien's chest tightening.

Dragging his gaze away, his lids settled on Mason, who was talking to Alvarez. Micheal was with Mr Connor, and the rest of the visitors just seemed to be par-ambling about and having a good time.

The maids were at work already setting the large dining table, and the glimmers of lightening from the chandelier highlighted every single corner of the room, making the whole place look heavenly.

With some cool R & B songs playing in the background and taking a sip of wine, Damien marveled at how everything and everyone seemed to be at ease with each other.

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