Chapter 42

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When Damien drunkenly staggered into the shower, banging the door and cutting her off, Katherine stood outside the bathroom, fuming.

It was bad enough that he had ignored all her questions, but now he had to deliberately cut her off as well? Oh what nonsense! Katherine couldn't have that.

She just couldn't deal with it, but now she knew exactly what she had to do.

She had been beyond confused when she saw him drinking so early this morning. It wasn't like him at all, hence the surprise that filled her, but then she caught a whiff of what the matter bothering him was about.

He had muttered some gibberish about a flash drive, and then when he called his ex's name, she had become so angry that her hands began to shake.

After everything she had discussed with him, everything she had done to try and make him forget about the unruly bitch, it seemed like he still hadn't had enough. Now he was mentioning her name in his drunken state.

Oh well!

Katherine shut her eyes as though she were in physical pain.

She was itching so badly, her body scratching her as she wanted to know everything. She needed to know, and that flash drive he had kept on talking about...  that flash drive that he kept going on about, she knew it must have had some information for Damien to keep talking about it that way. So she knew she had to find it.

The bedroom seemed like a good start since he was in the shower, and so she would start her search from there. Besides, he would probably be too drunk to notice, and so she got to work.

After she had spent minutes ransacking his bedroom and his study, overturning every single nook and cranny she still didn't find anything, and she became frustrated.

"Fuck." Katherine muttered under her breath as she popped the last drawer open, trying to hold onto one last hope but there was still no sign of a flash drive anywhere.

The only other possible place the flash drive could be was in his office at work, in his laptop maybe and cursing under her breath, Katherine made her way to the bedroom, grabbing her bag and stuffs and quickly left.

She wasn't worried about Damien knowing she had gone. He was too drunk for that.

Quickly, she went back to one of his rooms to freshen up and get ready to go out. She would find out what exactly was on that flash drive, and even if it meant she had to cross some boundaries, then she would do that.

A few hours later, Katherine walked through the halls of Damien's company building, a smile plastered on her face.

She knew that the key to avoid suspicion was to act like she normally did, and again she knew that Damien would be absent from work today so it would make things a whole lot easier for her.

"Good morning, ma'am." She heard Damien's secretary greet her as she approached his office.

"Hello." Katherine smiled widely at the lady who smiled back before facing her work. Katherine breathed out in relief, giving one last smile before she walked into his office.

Making sure the door was closed behind her, she began to search.

Ransacking each drawer compartment slowly and carefully in order not to miss the flash drive, she searched thoroughly and efficiently. After that she moved to his inner office, and then she began to check the desk, the drawers, every single place she could see but still, nothing.

She was beginning to get agitated, and holding back her anger, she retraced her steps, going back into the main office to search again.

As her eyes roved around the office, they landed on a laptop seated on the desk, and her brows quirked slowly. Looking more closely, Katherine discovered there was a flash drive attached to it, and a wide groan appeared on her face.

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