Chapter 125

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"I'm confident that everything will be fine." As they drove to the hospital, Damien kept assuring Madison, his hands intertwined with hers.

It was as if he could sense her anxiety and the nagging reminder that she might get some bad news today.

She'd avoided going to the hospital for years after being treated there when her child died.

Since then, she'd vowed never to set foot in a hospital building to check on herself, regardless of whether the situation was critical.

But, with Damien's constant words of encouragement and kisses on her knuckles every minute, she was doing her best to remain calm.

They'd agreed to go to the hospital to be safe after she'd expressed concerns about not being able to have children, among other things.

Damien, on the other hand, had suggested going to the hospital so they could both get some checkups and talk to the doctor.

His suggestion was good, and she could use it...

"What's going through your mind, my love?" Damien's voice jolted Madison out of her reverie, and as she shook her head, she noticed that the car had stopped moving.

They were already at the hospital, and her breath caught in her throat when she looked out the car window to face the large building.

'You got this, Maddie.' Her inner voice spoke to her, and she could only nod in response.

"What's the matter, Madison?" Damien inquired once more, squeezing her hands and gently shaking her shoulders as the driver opened the door.

"It's... nothing." Her lips stretched into a fake relaxed smile as she muttered.

She couldn't be calm about it, but she had to put on a brave face because she didn't want Damien to be concerned about her.

"Are you certain nothing bothers you, Maddie?" You know you can talk to me at any time, love."

"I'm fine, D." Madison responded sharply.

"All right. Shall we?" Damien inquired, and she nodded before stepping out of the car, followed by him.

The next few minutes saw them both entering the hospital, meeting the doctor in charge, and Madison being directed to the scan room after some brief discussions.

Damien stayed behind; he wanted to follow her, but the doctor opposed the idea, so he had no choice but to wait.

Laying stiffly, with her eyes closed, Madison exhaled slowly as the nurse and scan technician rubbed some oily ointment between her thighs and stomach.

"Please spread your legs, ma'am." The nurse gave the order, and she did as she was told.

This and other instructions she dutifully carried out until she was told to return to the doctor's office, where Damien was waiting for her.

As she walked in, he spread his arms out for her, pulling her into a warm embrace when she got close to him, and then he asked, "How was the test? I hope they didn't bother my lady?"

Rolling her eyes as she pulled out from his embrace and sat straight in her seat, Madison laughed and blushing uncontrollably when he kissed her knuckles softly; she replied, "Not really. Not much was done with me. Just some blood samples, some ultrasound scans, and the like. Though I'm trying to be optimistic, I feel like we wasted our time coming here, D."

"Why?" He asked, brows raised as he reached out with one hand to caress her hair, and she sighed loudly.

"I don't know. I feel like nothing's changed with me. We might resort to adopting a child since I want one and...."

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