Chapter 33

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N.B - THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO dalaljyoti1027  gadisdesa ennynassor Yourhermitgirl and all my new readers. I'm so glad you are all enjoying my story, and I appreciate every single feedback you give. 💕

Thank you so much for the votes, & comments and I hope to see everyone at the end of this beautiful love tale.😊


Madison forced the nearly stale piece of bread into her mouth and forced herself to chew on it.

It was all she had at home now and she had no wish to spend the little money she had left with her, as it would barely be enough to feed her for a week, so she was trying to manage.

When she finally managed to get the bread down her throat she downed two glasses of water and then lowered herself onto the bed. She was exhausted.

Her talk with Alvarez had triggered her and now she was in a phase of self loathing and pity. She had no desire to do anything either.

Earlier this morning, Mrs Sterling had come knocking to check up on her, but Madison had pretended to be asleep until she gave up. She felt bad about the whole thing but she couldn't help it. After a while of laying on the bed Madison decided to get up, and stretch her legs a little.

She had done literally nothing the whole of today, and even though she had thought of taking a stroll outside, she had decided against it since the weather was too cold for that right now, and coupled with the fact that she wasn't safe out alone anymore given the strange man in the bushes from the other day, Madison could already see that her idea was a lost cause.

As Madison tried to make up her mind, a knock sounded on the door, jolting her from her thoughts. Thinking it might be Mrs Sterling trying to check up on her for the second time today and already feeling bad, Madison quickly opened the door.

"Mrs St..." She broke off, words failing her as she stared at the male figure in front of her.

Sucking in a sharp breath, her legs suddenly felt wobbly like it would give out from under her, and it took all the strength she had in her not to shrink away from him and bang the door close.

"Mason?" She finally managed to say.

Her eyes roamed over her elder brother's face, noticing the subtle changes, and her chest tightening painfully at the same time. She hadn't seen him in a long while, neither had she had any form of contact with him whatsoever, so what was he doing here? She wondered.

He was staring back at her too, his expression cold, and Madison couldn't help but suddenly feel like a little girl again. She instinctively wiped her sweaty palm on her clothes, and made way for him to get in all whine without saying another word.

Accepting the invitation, Mason walked into the house and from the way his eyes scanned the room when he got in, Madison could clearly see the contempt and disgust in his eyes.

The house was suddenly feeling smaller than it was with Mason standing in it, and Madison swallowed heavily.

"Would you like to s-sit?" she asked, hating that her voice was trembling, and instead of Mason to say anything he only glared at her.

He scoffed as he looked through the room and then at Madison.

"Um, would you like some tea?" She tried again, also remembering the biscuits she had gotten in the train some days back but forgotten to eat them.

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