Chapter 74

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For the second time, Damien walked into another one of his clubs that he had never been in before.

He had hotels and clubs everywhere, but the ones in London were those he had never visited because of his past but since he was here already, he decided to take advantage of his time and visit as well as check on them.

His palms were sweaty as he parked his ride in front of the club and walking up the stairs to the bar, he was surprised when the bouncers in charge seemed to recognize him instantly as soon as they caught sight of him.

They greeted him respectfully, bowing a little and one of them offered to lead him to the VIP section.

Damien didn't argue at all, as he was too disoriented at the moment to reply to argue or disagree at all.

Not replying verbally to any of the greetings, he only waved them off and let the bouncer lead him to the VIP section.

Usually, Damien's eyes would be around the room looking for any signs of bad maintenance or signs that the club was thriving, just as he had thought some time earlier, but now he could barely concentrate.

This evening, he had a lot on his mind, and he barely noticed the designs and patterns of the club. If his mind was in the right place, he would have noticed that it was a little different from his other clubs, but right now, all Damien wanted was a glass of whiskey to clear his head.

As he finally got to the bar, he ordered some shots of vodka, noting that whiskey could come later.

The bartender also seemed to recognize him as the owner and treated him as such, taking extra care to attend to Damien like a special guest.

The shots came quicker than he expected and he wasted no time in gulping them down, shutting his eyes slightly from the taste. After he'd had a few rounds, Damien expected to feel lighter but he didn't.

That burning hole was still in his chest, as though it were permanent, and it annoyed him.

He ordered the whiskey after a while, and as he continued to drink, he could feel the eyes of most women present boring into him. Some who were bold enough approached him, but Damien just waved them off.

He couldn't even engage in any small talk, as Mason's words kept on reverberating in his head over and over again, but that only prompted him to keep drinking.

"Hey, handsome." A voice broke into his thoughts and looking up lazily he saw a young woman in a tight red dress smiling at him seductively. Without invitation, she placed her fingertips on his shoulder, stroking down his arm slowly, "You look like you're in need of some company, should I I keep you entertained?" She asked with a smile.

Damien tried not to lose his anger and say some harsh words at her. Women had been throwing themselves at him since he got here, and with the way he had been deflecting them all what other sign did he have to give to show that he clearly wasn't interested.

"I can make tonight much better for you." She continued, apparently oblivious to the fact that he had flat out ignored her, "Just say the word and I'll make sure we turn that frown on your face upside down." She whispered, leaning down so he could get a good look at her heavy chest, but all Damien felt was disgust.

Hissing, he waved her off pushing her off him, and looking embarrassed for a few seconds, the lady then left with a huff walking away.

Damien turned back to his drink.

He gulped down another cup then pushed the cup back to the bartender for more ice, and instantly his cup was refilled in a few seconds and returned to him.

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