Chapter 95

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Damien increased the speed of his car, racing through the narrow blinding streets, intent on reaching Madison's house quickly.

He was having a gnawing foreboding feeling at the back of his mind, that something bad was about to happen or had already happened and he didn't like this sneaky hunch one bit.

He'd tried to blame the waning thoughts on the fact that he'd been stuck in traffic for almost an hour, and the cloudy skies that was still grey, looking like a storm was about to happen but then he was just overthinking.

Yes! He was just overthinking things, but even with that sore reminder his heart sped up as if in response to the trepidation inside of him, and he could hear the organ beating loudly enough.

The air around him was electrified and thick with tension, as if something was going to go horribly wrong in the blink of an eye, and only then would he be at ease maybe?

Why was he even thinking this way? His head was supposed to be filled with the things he would say to Madison if he saw her.

He glanced at the car seat, where a bouquet of different types of flowers lay, and a small smile lit up his face.

He'd stopped at a flower shop on the way, ordering a large bouquet of flower mixtures ranging from sunflowers, rose, hibiscuses and all the type he knew she loved so much.

Apart from hoping she would accept his gift, Damien couldn't wait to see her reaction to it too. Would she smile in that beautiful way she normally did? The cool breeze billowing through, sweeping her strawberry blonde curls and she would tell him thank you... For once maybe they could go back to those years when they'd been carefree and...

"Fuck!" Damien cursed out loud, hitting his fists on the steering wheel, causing the car to honk loudly even while he drove.

His imaginations where wild, and considering how they'd parted the last time he'd seen her, he could rightly guess just how she would relieve the bouquet.

She would accept it, and then she would throw it at his feets and maybe bang her door on his face. That was exactly what she would do, he couldn't even think otherwise.

Focusing his sights back on the road, Damien tried to be calm for once but he was still feeling uneasy; the dread in his stomach spreading into his limbs and through every part of his body, as if he were being pulled down some deep dark hole.

He was just streets away from her house, inching closer and closer, and he kept looking around noticing people in their house porches staring up at him, in awe of course.

This was the way they always stared whenever he drove by with an expensive car, and well what did he expect. He was basically in a slum, and vehicles like this rarely came up to this part of the town.

His grip tightening on the steering wheel still, Damien shut his eyes briefly as he spotted the compound that housed Madison's home from afar.

The compound was small, neatly communed and perfectly rectangular, nothing special about it, but still Madison's rickety door front stood out amongst everyone else.

What made it stand out? Her flowers of course, and he smiled wearily for the umpteenth time that afternoon.

Shaking his head, trying to clear his thoughts, he soon got close to the house and parking his car in front, he turned off the engine sharply.

Taking in a few steadying breaths, his hands shooting by his side and grabbing the bouquets of flowers he'd brought, Damien said a small prayer of faith before opening his door, and stepping out.

"I can do this. I can do it." He kept saying to himself, taking slow steps to her house, gripping the bouquet tightly also.

He looked around the neighborhood, and even as the eerie feeling from earlier returned within him, he surveyed the area and saw that nothing was really out of place.

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