Chapter 44

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Madison found it difficult to control the smile that formed on her face, as she walked out the doors of the bakery and began to head home.

Work today had been great as there hadn't been a lot to do today, and she had also been commended by her supervisor.

Madison knew that this meant something good. It meant she was doing her job well, and also it meant that there was hope. Hope for longer retainment, hope for a... promotion. Of course she didn't say this out to anybody, but still she was so proud of herself for getting this far.

A month ago, coupled with all she had been through she wouldn't have believed it if someone told her that she would have been at this point now, but here she was, with a stable income.

A few more months and she might even be moving out of her dingy apartment, to a better place provided she saved well and it was nothing short of unreal.

Well, regardless of anything Madison was determined to keep moving like this. So she decided she would encourage herself in the most natural way – She would make a nice home cooked meal for herself again.

Still smiling widely to herself, she cornered into a store to get some groceries for herself. She still hadn't decided what she was going to make for dinner, but she would just get a few things for herself.

When she was done buying all she needed, she headed out of the store. As she tried to support the bag of groceries in one hand, her eyes fell on a strange looking man.

He stood at the corner of the street, clad in black, and taking notes in a small notepad.

Madison felt the hairs on her body rise as she stared back at him, suddenly having a bad feeling about the fellow.

Unsure at first, she looked behind her to see if there was anything or anybody else he might be looking at, but a quick glance behind and around made it clear that she was being watched in particular by him.

Her heart fell to her stomach in fear as she gripped the grocery bag tighter, already fastening her pace and taking long strides down the street.

The road was beginning to get lonely because it was evening, and Madison held the grocery bag to her chest, crippling fear flowing through her. Desperately, she tried to flag down a taxi to take her home, since she couldn't even think of walking all the way home, now that the stalker was still behind her.

At subtle intervals her eyes would roam back to the strange man, and dutifully he stood there watching her like a hawk.

He was not even moving, or trying to hide, and it baffled Madison so much.

She was so scared that her hands began to shake.

Luckily for her an empty taxi passed, and quickly telling him the location of her house, she got in and closed the door heavily behind her.

Still not  knowing what else to do, as the car drove away, Madison extracted her phone from her bag and scrolled through for Alvarez's number intent on calling him.

He was the only one she had now.


"The usual?"

Damien nodded to the bartender as he and Alvarez took their seats on the barstools.

They had both finished from work at the same time, so they decided to go have that drink they had scheduled some days go.

They had driven to the popular club in Damien's car, and so far Damien had already found himself loosening up. He realized how much he missed his best friend and he was willing to make up for it, there was no going back.

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