Chapter 121

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"...I still have a lot to say, but this toast would be incomplete without my late father, Mr Daniel. It's so funny how everything that happened all till this day is somehow intertwined with the events of the past. I can't say the memories are worthwhile, but then everything happens for a reason, and I know that wherever he is right now, he would be watching us with love, admiration, and pride. I am also proud, not because of my achievements or everything I might have gained in these past few years. But because of what I became after all these incidents. I would never have imagined this scenario, but I am grateful for it. This enmity and malice between our families have been long gone, but we still have to look out for each other, especially when the situation gets tough. However, it can only get better from here. That I know!"

The sound of applause filling the room as Damien continued his speech had Madison's lips quivering, and she fought the urge not to cry.

The way he spoke was so eloquent, so heartfelt – it made her heart ache.

Despite trying her best not to shed a tear, she could feel the liquid prickling at the corner of her eyes as she listened to him speak, and her breath hitched when he looked around the room – meeting everyone's eyes before stopping at hers.

"...And before I say cheers. I know I've already acknowledged everyone in my toast, but I want to raise another combined toast to the woman I love most in the whole wide world." He began, and with a snicker, he added, "...No offense, mother."

Madison's trembling lips burst into giggles, gripping her glass cup tightly as she stared back at him, his piercing gaze unmoving.

In the depths of his eyes, she could see the love he had for her. The kind of love that would last forever, and no matter how far apart they got, they could always count on the universe to bring them back together.

She was fated to be with him - both in the past, the present and the future too - and Madison couldn't wish for a more better feeling.

"This toast goes to the woman I love most in the entire world..." Damien began again, his lips stretching into an affectionate smile as he cleared his throat and continued, "Madison Connor. For all the times I've hurt you, I want to say sorry, and I don't think I'll ever stop apologizing. I know the magic word wouldn't do anything to ease the pain, but with time things can only get better between us. Despite the hurdles, the shame, and the fucked up things I did, you still chose to be with me, and I don't even know how to thank you for that. I... Damn! I can't pour out all the words in my head because if I do, we might not finish here tonight, and I know no one wants that, right?" He queried, and murmurs arose as everyone nodded with teary smiles.

"Oh, Damien..." Madison muttered within herself, a tear sliding down her cheeks at long last.

She wasn't the only one crying, though. The rest of the room was filled with tears, too; Her mother was openly weeping alongside Gina and Micheal too. As for Damien's mother, her face was contorted into a bittersweet smile as she watched her son, and she had a napkin in hand, dabbing at the end of her eyes.

Who else wasn't crying? Was it Alvarez? Was it Mason? He was trying so hard to keep his cool, but Madison could see him sniffing. He was indeed touched.

Or was it her father? Her chest clenched when she saw that he'd buried his face in his fragile hands, his whole body shaking heavily as he cried like a baby

This was the first time she was experiencing this, and it shook her core.

It was more than surreal, seeing people who hadn't spoken in months, years rather, tear up at Damien's words.

People who Madison herself didn't think could be touched, after all the enmity and hostility they'd kept amongst themselves.

It was so appalling, in a good way, though.

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