Chapter 108

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It was over.

That word kept repeating itself endlessly inside Madison's head as she laid motionless on the sandy ground, Damien's still form on top of her, and the feeling of blood gushing too.

Her dress was getting wet, and as she blinked twice, trying to note what had just happened, she tried to move a bit, and the second she did that, Damien fell to the side, his arms outstretched and his eyes closed tight.

"No... no..." Madison began to panic, wiggling her tied body, her eyes going to her legs as she searched for any sign of injury or bullet wound on herself, but she saw nothing.

"No..." She mumbled to herself, her eyes straying away from her body to the one beside it, and that's when she saw her worst nightmare in front of her.

Damien's bloodied body laid on the ground, his mouth slacking open, and he wasn't making a move at all.

Blood gushed from the side of his chest, and Madison tried to scramble to her feet, wanting to get to him, but she couldn't.

She was still tied, and the rope was so strong that no matter how hard she pulled and tugged at it, it didn't loose.

"Damien... oh no!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face as she came to the avid realization of what had just happened.

He had saved her. Damien had come to save her, and when Katherine had pulled the trigger, he'd ran towards her and taken the bullet.

He'd done this for her and...

"Madison? Madison?" She heard someone calling her name, and as she tried to turn, she could hear some footsteps approaching her from behind.

Her eyes roamed the sandy beach as the cool breeze whipped heavily this time. She could hear shouts and gunshots from behind her, and her fear increased.

The police officers must have opened fire. Where was Katherine? What about her men? What about...

"Oh, Maddie..." The familiar voice from earlier called out again, and this time Madison could feel him from behind.

It was Mason, and her eyes widened in shock as she began to wonder what he was doing here.

She'd spotted Damien, his guards, and the police officers when they arrived, but she hadn't seen him.

What was he doing here? What was happening? She asked herself, and then she said out loud, "You? What are you doing here? Why aren't you going over there to help the bleeding body? Why are you...."

"Madison, be still okay. I'm trying to untie you." He mumbled breathlessly, his hands working sharply as he tried to loosen the rope knots on her.

"Go save Damien instead. I know you don't like him, but he's bleeding. He's dying, just...."

"Some men are coming to attend to him. He'll be fine. Just stay still and...." He was still talking when she felt the knots loosen, and her hands became free.

Without even saying a word in acknowledgment to her brother, Madison crawled towards Damien as fast as her injured foot would allow.

"No, no, Damien. Please open your eyes and look at me." She blurted out, kneeling beside him and putting her hand gently by the side of his neck, wanting to check if he was still alive.

He wasn't. She couldn't get a pulse at all, and she placed both hands on his chest, trying to stop the blood from gushing out more.

"No... Damien, please wake up. You have to; look at me."

Her heart breaking and stomach churning as her eyes watered, she began to whimper loudly, shaking his body furiously, "This isn't how it was supposed to be. You can't leave me just like this... I... I..." She stammered, pausing to catch her breath and plastering a smile. She continued, "This must all be some dream, okay, and you're fine. Just wake up. I know you're just joking with me, like the ones you made back when we... Damien wake up okay. I promise you that I won't try to run anymore. I've forgiven you and...."

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