Chapter 58

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Damien took one look in the mirror, and smoothened out the lapels of his coat, as he checked to make sure he was ready.

When he decided he was ready to go, he picked his phone and car keys off the table and exited his bedroom.

He would have asked his chauffeur to drive him, but he didn't know how long he would be staying there and Damien wasn't a fan of making people wait for long doing nothing, so he decided he would drive himself.

He had finally taken up his mother's offer on having dinner with her and he was on his way there. After his flight had been canceled, he had nothing important to take care of and so he had called her to ask when she would be free to have dinner.

She had been so excited that she asked him to come the next day, and he wasn't even there yet but he already had this feeling of nostalgia for his mother's cooking.

He resolved within himself that when all of this was over, he would make out more time to spend with his family.

It felt like he had been so busy in the past few months that he didn't get to see them as much but he would rectify that soon.

He had been driving for quite some time when his phone suddenly started ringing. He didn't like to take calls while driving but when he saw that it was Alvarez calling, he picked up and his phone was soon connected to the car speakers.

"Hello?" Alvarez's voice filled the car.

"Hey, man. What's up?" Damien asked, his eyes still focused on the road as he made a turn.

"I'm okay, thanks. I called to ask about your whereabouts, man. I remember your flight was booked for sometime this week. Are you leaving today, or tomorrow?"

Damien sighed heavily.

He hadn't informed Alvarez about the cancelled flight because he had completely forgotten, and remembering it now made him a little annoyed, but he kept his cool.

As sharply as he could, he gave Alvarez the details of the cancelled flight, telling him it was the local airport's fault, and finally announcing that he would be going in his private jet instead as he couldn't waste any more time.

"Oh... Alvarez finally said, "But the private jet would need some servicing first, right?"

"Yes, and my maintenance team are on it." Damien replied.

He was nearing his mother's house now, and as he arrived at the entrance, the automatic gates immediately slid open and Damien drove in and quickly parking his Aston martini next to the other cars.

When everything was in order, he got out of his car and locked it, his phone still placed to his ear as he conversed with Alvarez.

As he began to stroll into the house, he smiled widely when he sighted his mother a few steps away, already waiting for him.

"Mother..." He greeted, excusing himself from the call and pulling her towards him with his free hands. He held her in a tight, long embrace which she eagerly returned, and together they began to walk inside the house.

"Brother, I'm at my mother's now so I'll have to go now."

"No problem man. We'll talk some other time."

Damien suddenly remembered something, "You're at the office, right?" He asked and Alvarez confirmed that he was, so he continued, "I'll need you to start today to select and inform your best men on my trip. I'm going to need personal security, so a few guards should do."

"Yes of course." Alvarez agreed. "I'll do that right away and then get back to you."

"Okay then. I'll have to go now. Thanks for calling."

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