Chapter 107

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Katherine instantly froze the second she heard Damien call out her name.

She could recognize his voice even in her sleep, and she knew without a doubt that he was the one calling.

The shotgun in her hand trembled, and she swallowed heavily, her whole body turning slowly, and her jaw dropped open when she locked gazes with him.

He was not the only one present, and her heart slammed hard in her chest when she saw that police officers were wholly surrounded everywhere, alongside some other men who were heavily dressed and armed with weapons.

From what she could see, she was already outnumbered, and her men were no match for these men.

Her worst nightmare was coming to pass, and a swear escaping her lips, she wondered just how they had come to know of her whereabouts.

How come? Who had given them some intel?

Slowly, she turned her face and stared at her men one by one, trying to see if she could catch the traitor, but they all looked scared and shocked as she was.

The breeze whipped heavily, and her face turned again to look at the bitch Madison, who was now looking at Damien with her mouth dropped open and tears streaming down her face.

The sight angered Katherine, and once again, snapping back to her senses, she took some steps towards Madison, and pointing the gun at her head, she asked defiantly, "What are you doing here?"

She was trying her best to mask her fear and appear strong when she was slowly breaking inside.

"Katherine, please, can you drop the gun down." Damien said, his empty hands raised as if in surrender, and Katherine only scoffed.

Her hands shook violently, and her whole body quaked at the same time too, but still, she still had a stern countenance as she asked yet again, half yelling, "What are you doing here? How did you know about my whereabouts? Who gave you intel? Who!"

Her words echoing throughout the beach, Katherine stared straight at him, waiting for him to say something, and he did.

He had been kneeling before, but now he stood up and started walking closer to her, every step he took bringing chills all through her body.

"Please, Katherine... "Please, Katherine... please don't pull the trigger. Please don't!"

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"Just... just drop the..."

"Who the fuck gave you intel?" She roared yet again, cutting him halfway through his speech, and suddenly he stopped walking.

His gaze was flickering from hers to Madison, and then he said, "I got the location of your warehouse from the text you sent to me some days ago and...."

The wheels in Katherine's head started to turn, and she cursed abrasively as she remembered the text message he was talking about.

"That's impossible!" She blurted out suddenly, "Someone must have given you intel about my warehouse because there's no way you would have tracked me. I paid to get that burner phone specifically made for me. There was no way you could have traced me through that simple message. I..."

She was still speaking when suddenly Damien whistled and then she saw two men dragging a masked man from the car towards her.

She didn't even need the mask to be removed because she already knew who this person was.

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