Chapter 83

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Damien slowly made his way into the bar.

There were a few people seated already but it wasn't too rowdy, and his eyes roaming through the room in search of Mason, he soon spotted him sitting in one of the barstools.

As he approached the spot, Mason raised his head, facing Damien. His expression suddenly turned icy, and he didn't even bother to exchange pleasantries when Damien took a seat across him.

Well, Damien had a sinking feeling that this was going to be a tiring meeting from the looks of things, as Mason was already glaring at him but he would try to take things easy and slow as best as he could.

He was here for answers, and nothing more, nothing less.

Not knowing what to do at first, Damien thought of  lightening the atmosphere and beckoning to the bartender, he proceeded to ask Mason what he would like to drink, but he only got rolled eyes in response, as his guest seemingly waved him away.

"I would die before I take a taste out of my enemy's pocket." Mason spat bitterly finishing,  "Especially you."

Damien regarded him curiously for a while, and then he shrugged waving the bartender away.

There was no need to banter or exchange words with Mason. It would only decrease his chances of getting information from him, and he just couldn't afford that at all.

More-so he'd be damned if he came all the way here for nothing, so he let the words go and just as he dropped open his jaw, starting to say something, Mason cut him off, "Look, don't think I'm here because I give a fuck. Because I really don't. And I'm not here to waste any time either, so keep your ostentatious gestures to yourself. Whatever you want to do to lighten the atmosphere, you can save it."

Damien cocked an eyebrow, wondering why Mason was taking so much offense, since he hadn't really done anything.

If he was so touchy about buying him a drink then it was probably just his insecurity acting up. But he didn't say any of this to Mason. He swallowed his words back and clamped his mouth shut.

Again he was sorely reminded of his mantra, and the last thing he wanted to do was give Mason the exact reaction he was looking for.

Definitely he wasn't going to fall into this trap.

Mason continued again, "The only reason I'm here is because I need you to understand something, and I'll tell you now prop and plain. If this shit you're doing is an attempt to get Madison back, then I suggest you quit."

Damien let out a soft gasp, one he was sure Mason didn't hear, and he clenched his fists as he listened to his supposed adversary continue his speech.

"You know, I thought that by now you would have gotten it into your thick skull that you can never be with Madison, but it seems you're still foolish like before. However I want you to know that you can never be with my sister, so end this bullshit and get on with your life. Just leave because right now, you're simply being pathetic." He spat.

His words cut deeply at Damien, and he could already feel the anger building up in his chest.

His hands still clenched tightly, Damien longed so badly to swing his arm across the table at Mason, and give him a blow that would reset his head and words but he didn't. Instead he took deep breaths, chest heaving slightly still as he reminded himself not to fall for Mason's tactics.

It would only give him an excuse, not to divulge information.

Looking satisfied with his reaction, Mason folded his arms and faced Damien back squarely, "I think you've gotten my message, so what is it that you want to know?"

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