Chapter 112

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The next day came by so fast that, for a moment, Madison feared the worst.

Every second, she tried to blink, wanting to check if everything happening was real, and it was.

Damien had woken up from his coma. The doctors had checked up on him and deemed him okay miraculously.

When the doctors had marveled over his condition, wondering how he seemed to have fought over the gunshot wound, Madison tried to seamlessly stop herself from shedding tears every second, but all her efforts were useless.

She'd tried so much, but she couldn't stop the tears and giving up after she'd cried her heart out.

She couldn't even talk to Damien again because she was scared.

What if all this was a dream, one she was currently having?

This was a nightmare, probably, and she would be awake soon, but it wasn't.

She'd pinched herself so much that the fleshy skin of her wrists was filled with welts and marks, but still, she didn't stop.

She kept digging her sharp fingernails into her skin, trying to feel any pain that would wake her up from this slumber, but nothing was happening.

She was supposed to be happy. Hell, with the way everywhere was buzzing and everyone was happy and smiling, she was supposed to feel some excitement too.

But instead, she felt nothing, not even sadness. All she felt was numbness. She felt as though there wasn't anything inside her anymore because she kept telling herself over and over that this was a trick.

Nothing good ever happened to her, and now that this miracle had happened, Madison was inclined to think the worst of it.

She sniffed slightly, her hands dabbing at her cheeks as she watched him interact with visitors at his bedside.

He looked so calm and carefree too. Like he was not in some pain or the like. Like he'd just not gotten shot and put his life on the line to protect her.


"Penny, for your thoughts, sweetie?"

The warm voice of Mrs Daniel, Damien's mother, cut through her foggy thinking, and blinking twice, plastering a smile, she looked up at the pretty older woman.

"Hi, ma."

"Hello, daughter. How are you doing?" The woman asked, plopping her ass on the bench beside Madison, and she replied heartily.

They spent some minutes exchanging pleasantries, and just when Madison thought the woman was over as silence befell them, she spoke up again.

"I've been watching you since yesterday, and you just look...." She paused, contemplating what to say, "I don't even know what to call it. You don't look sad or happy; you seem direct. Like you're numb or something. Sorry to bother you, but have you even talked to Damien since he woke up."

For a while, after the woman spoke, Madison said nothing.

The older woman seemed to have been watching her very closely, and she'd perfectly described Madison's true feelings, but there was no way she'd bring it up.

Instead, she replied to the last query, "Umm...." She began clearing her throat, "Not really. As you can see, everyone wants to talk to him, and they barely give him any breathing space..."

She trailed off as she glanced back at Damien on his bed again.

He was still bandaged up, with his oxygen mask beneath his jaw. Still, even with his pitiful state, he'd managed to greet every single person that had come today to offer their condolences and wish him a speedy recovery.

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