Chapter 47

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Today was the day Damien had been waiting on for about a week now.

It was the day he would finally acquire the properties he longed for. Not for his personal gain, but a step closer in his revenge plan on the Connors, and it was safe to say that he was pretty excited about it. Which of course explained why he was taking his time to get ready today.

He took his time to pick out an outfit, took his time to get ready in the bathroom, took his time to decide what to have for breakfast, amongst other things.

Damien rarely had breakfast in the mornings before leaving for work. Most times he would just get something at a restaurant on his way to work, or he would skip it entirely and have a filling lunch, but he was feeling good so he decided he would today.

He had already called his secretary to move any other meetings he had today and reserve the morning for his meeting with only Mr Paul, his lawyer. Smiling to himself, Damien put his briefcase down and sat at the dining table to have breakfast at home for the first time in years.

It took him about fifteen minutes to get to work from home after that, and the first thing he did when he got to his desk was to reschedule some rather important appointments to tomorrow morning. When he was done he began to look through the pitch he had prepared for a meeting last night, and unsatisfied with a few things, he began to make a few changes.

Until finally it was just perfect, and he got what he wanted.

As soon as he shut his laptop, the office phone rang, and his secretary informed him of the lawyer's arrival. Damien sat up straighter, quickly clearing the table and awaiting the entrance of lawyer.

"Good morning, Mr Daniels." The lawyer greeted as soon as he walked in, nodding toward Damien a little as he took a seat.

"Mr Paul." Damien nodded with a curtsy as he asked immediately, "What do you have for me?"

The lawyer smiled, "Everything you need." Stretching his hand across the desk, he handed some documents over to Damien who immediately took them and began to look through them, nodding in approval as he progressed.

A smile lifted the corner of Damien's lips, as he saw that everything was in place and in order.

Finally... he was the sole owner of The Connor's former Mansion and Mr Connor's processing factory. Every last thing... every single property that belonged to Mr Connor, directly or indirectly, was his now, and this was great and definitely something that needed celebrating.

"Good work." Damien commended, packing up the files neatly and quickly locking them in the safe in his office. When he returned, he lowered himself back onto his seat.

As the lawyer nodded and got up to leave, Damien raised a finger to motion him to stop which he did. Reaching down into the bottom drawer of his desk, he took out the heavy stack of cash he had placed in there earlier and tossed it to the lawyer who immediately caught it, "You did very good work. That's your payment and a little added reward."

The lawyer looked down at the bills with a smile, nodding happily his eyes gleaming, "Thank you very much, sir."

Fitting the cash into his briefcase and packing up the files he had come with, the lawyer nodded a little at Damien again, thanking him profusely before finally leaving the office.

"Yes! Yes! Finally!" Damien fist bumped excitedly.

Everything was going well, and this definitely called for a celebration.

He stood from his chair, making his way toward the wine cabinet to take out the wine he had been saving for a special occasion just like this one.

Finally, after the strenuous filled week he had just been having, it felt like something was finally going right for once.

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