Chapter 34

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Katherine was more than fed up.

She was fed up with the way Damien had been treating her these past few weeks. She was fed up with the fights, the non-stop arguments, and she was fed up with having to constantly lower herself to the point of begging for attention from her own boyfriend.

She was fed up and angry, and she was going to do something about it.

Stepping harder on the brake, and increasing her speed as she drove to Damien's company, she thought of what to do.

After the last time he had embarrassed her in front of Alvarez and his investigator she was still sore from it, and worse still he never even bothered to call her or apologize.

She needed answers from him, and no matter what happened, she was going to get them today.

Soon she got to the building, and parking at the front, she clambered out of the car, grabbed her purse from the passenger seat and started to make her way straight to his office.

As she neared his office, she saw his secretary jump to her feet at the sight of her. "M-miss Scott, Mr Daniels is busy and asked not to be disturbed. If you could give me a moment to inform him of your arrival, I would..."

Katherine eyes shot daggers, as glared at her. "If you'd like to know what happens when you try to keep a woman away from her man, stop me from going in." She spat, venom coating her every word.

Slowly, the secretary moved away, fear evident in her eyes and bowing her head, she shuffled back to her seat, while Katherine with a loud hiss, walked into the office.

The minute she saw Damien, his expression changed to that of irritation as their eyes locked, and cocking his eyebrows he demanded albeit harshly, "What are you doing here?"

This only made Katherine more angry, and she blurted out, "What am I doing here? Since when do you ask me questions like that? I am your girlfriend for crying out loud! What is going on with you Damien? Is this how you welcome me?"

Silence descended the minute she finished talking, and for some seconds the only sound in the room was that of their labored breathing before Damien finally rubbed at his forehead and started to say, "Look, Katherine...I really don't have time for this okay—"

"No!" She yelled, "No! Not this time, okay? And you can go ahead, call security if you want to, but I'll tell you straight to your face that I'm not leaving."

When Damien only stared lazily at her, she scoffed, "Why didn't you pick up when I called you?" She suddenly asked, "I called yesterday and you ignored me. You never ignore me unless you're at work, and it was late back then. I also knew for for a fact that you weren't at work! So what happened?"

"Are you keeping tabs on me now?" Damien shot back, not answering her question at all.

"And why would you say that? I called the office and you weren't in. This..." She gestured at him spreading her arms all around, "This is exactly what I'm talking about. You've been acting so strange with me lately, and you know it. You don't call, and when I do call you ignore me. Okay fine, you don't text me, and when I do text or confront you on your silly behaviors you act like I annoy you or something. I mean...the other day at Daddy's office, you brushed off talk about our wedding. We are supposed to be engaged for crying out loud! What's all this?"

"Katherine... I'm really not in the mood for any of this right now. Please, I have a lot to do and..."

Katherine gave a bitter laugh, "Of course you're always busy even though now, I highly doubt that. It's always work, work, all the time. I can't even remember when last we spent time together, just me and you. You've been so busy with work, and your so called investigation, it's like I don't even exist and..."

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