Chapter 87

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Damien couldn't believe what was happening. His lip was on Madison's.

He was kissing her wholeheartedly, the woman he'd loved and cherished for years. The woman he hadn't forgotten, and the only person he yearned for like oxygen.

His body pressed against hers, Madison breathed heavily as his lips continued to mould in with hers, their tongues swishing and dancing in unison with with each other.

She let out a soft moan, her hands gripping his arms and just as she dug her fingers in his shoulders, only then did she open her eyes and... She immediately broke away from the kiss as though she only just realized what was happening, and her eyes widened in confusion.

"What the hell?" She muttered, and the look she gave him was one that indicated that she'd just come back to her senses.

She took a step back pushing him off her body, and she glared at him bitterly.

Damien could also see that she was trying to control the tears that wanted to flow down her cheeks, and spitting out in disgust she yelled at him, "How dare you!"

Her voice was shaky now but she continued still, "How dare you kiss me without my consent? How dare you touch me intimately and..."

She paused, and a wave of hurt flashed through Damien's eyes at her words. His chest beginning to tighten yet again, and a wave of disappointment coursed through.

A lot of things had changed between them, that much was evident and crystal clear too.

She took another step away from him slowly again, and Damien's heart shattered all the more.

"You really shouldn't have done that. We shouldn't have, and I don't know what kind of impression I gave you just now but I want you to know that I'm not the same person, okay? I'm not the Madison you know. I'm no longer that happy, cheery, carefree person you knew. I'm just the broken version of her." She finished after a while, and Damien could only stare at her without saying a thing.

Another stroke of hurt and pain flash in his eyes, and he parted his lips to say something but she beat him to the chase.

"Save your speech Damien. I don't even know what you think you're doing here or what you were expecting. But if you think you can just decide to come back into my life and expect me to receive you with open arms, then you're wrong."

"Madison..." Damien began to say, but she didn't let him finish, as she continued, "No way in hell will I forget easily everything I went through just because of you. After all these years... after all the pain and humiliation I went through from my parents, my friends, from everyone in that damn town when they found out I was pregnant, then you think you can just come back and apologize and I'll accept. If that's what going through your mind, then you must be joking."

"Madison... please I'm sorry. Just give me a chance. Just let me explain this to—"

"No!" She cut him off, "Explain what? Like what exactly do you want to explain, Damien? You've said all you want to say, and I've listened. It's not like I'm deaf you know. Also I don't... I don't just get it. One moment you're out to get revenge on my family and you also want to make me suffer, then the next you're switching sides? Suddenly you're begging for forgiveness? Like is this a joke to you? Do I look like a joke to you? A pawn you play in your games?"

"Madison just hear me out."

"No! You already made it clear back then, that you wanted nothing to do with me. You made that very clear in New York the first time we met at that party. You made it your mission to humiliate me, making me pick up shards of glass with my bare hands, and disgracing me in public for a dress I ruined by accident. You hated me, Damien. I mean you still hate me, so what's the point of all this?" She gestured between them, her hands shaking as she splayed them out, "What's all this fake love?"

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