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Within days, the pain in my leg subsided and I was able to put weight on it, but Abby advised me not to, not until the wound closed. I held a bloody cloth over my leg while I laid on the bed in medical. 

Kane put together a team to go to the summit, and I convinced him to let me go so I could talk to Lexa about lifting the kill order on Anakin while another group prepared for a supply run to Mount Weather. Gina, a girl from Alpha Station--and a very close friend to Bellamy--asked for Joan to join them on a supply run to Mount Weather. 

By the time we had to leave for Polis, I couldn't feel the pain in my leg. It had been a week at that point.

We never heard anything about Prince Roan bringing Wanheda to the Ice Queen, but instead, she was brought to Lexa and would be with us at the summit, and I was dying to see her.

I was waiting by the gate on my horse, Judas. Kane assured me that Sullivan wouldn't be at the summit. It was for the safety of both of us. Nothing could happen if Sullivan and I stayed apart.

When I saw the rover leaving the hanger bay, I followed them on Judas. I carried my weapons with me, but I knew I'd have to leave them outside of Polis before entering. I was right behind the rover keeping up with them, and I pulled on the reins of my horse as we approached the edge of Polis.

Kane opened the door to the rover and said, "We're at the Polis City limits. From here, we go on foot."

I climbed down from my horse and led him to the front of the rover. The group for the summit climbed out of the rover as I tied the reins to the front.

"Lexa's guards will be here soon," I told the group. "All guns and radios stay in the truck. Her people will escort us to the summit."

I removed every weapon I carried and threw it into the back of the truck. "Nelson, Hill. Stay here, man the radio," Kane ordered. One of the guards grabbed a med kit to carry with us. "What is that?"

"A med kit."

"A med kit from Mount Weather?" Kane questioned. "The place where thousands of their people were killed." Kane grabbed the kit from the guard. "You can't bring this into Polis." The guard nodded and put the med kit back into the rover.

"Don't take it out on him," Abby sighed. "If you're gonna be mad, be mad at me."

I looked at the entrance to Polis. I was hesitant to enter. Most Grounders saw me as Skaiplana, but the people who lived in Polis might not. I could still be Fragheda to them. "Jules, you ok?" Kane asked me.

He came up to stand next to me. I looked behind me at the group. Kane and Abby were the only ones who knew what happened while I was in Polis, and I wasn't ready for everyone to know. "Las taim ai don hir, ai don frag emo Heda op(Last time I was here, I killed their commander)," I said quietly. "Wof en's ogeda emo sin in(What if it's all they see)?"

Kane looked down at me. "Daun ste ogeda eyon don sin in set raun ona yu kom taim yu don tich op uf(That's all anyone saw in you until you showed strength)."

Kane grabbed my hand, and we walked through entering Polis. The city was busy, much like it was the last time I showed my face here. I stared up at the tower in the heart of the capital where the summit would take place.

We were going to negotiate for the kill orders on Lincoln and Anakin to be lifted and for trade routes to be put in place.

"Incredible," Kane breathed out. He stared at the tower.

"That's where the commander lives," I told him, "and where the summit will take place."

We started walking through Polis, and I couldn't help but feel ashamed for what took place here ten years ago. I sometimes wondered if Lexa would be commander now if I hadn't killed Esau.

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