Kenma Kozume- Taco Bell

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Warnings: Homophobia

Kenma's POV:

I sat in my bed, a loud clicking from the controller as I fought the boss in the game I was playing. Suddenly, my phone made a ding noise. I sighed, pausing my game, and reached over to the phone. It was a notification from (M/N). My face stretched into a small smile, as I opened his message.

Kitten: Hey love! Do you want to go to Taco Bell with me? I'm hungry 😶

Me: Fine. You're lucky I'm hungry too

Kitten: Yay! I'm omw right now 

Me: Okay I'll  meet you at the door.

I shook my head happily as I hopped up out of bed.  I threw on a hoodie and some jeans, and reached for a hair tie. The hair tie wrapped around my yellow hair. The doorbell rang and I ran down the stairs happily. As I opened the door, I was met with a happy (M/N). His smile made me blush as he grabbed my hand and walked me on to the sidewalk. 

We walked down the street as (M/N) talked endlessly. I didn't talk much, but I didn't mind. His voice calmed me as we got a few weird stares from the people around. About five minutes later, we made it to Taco Bell.  I opened the door for (M/N), earning a big smile from him. A smile that made my heart flutter. 

After we ordered food we sat down at a two person table. He ranted on about how Lev won't stop bothering him because they're neighbors. I laughed quietly.

"Ugh Lev is so annoying!" (M/N) groaned. 

"Yeah he is. If you ever need a break from him, just come over. You're always welcome." I smiled, reaching for his hand, rubbing it ever so lightly, intertwining our fingers. 

"Order for (M/N)!" The lady who worked the counter called out. 

"I'll be right back." He kissed my cheek quickly, before going to get the food. I blushed heavily, putting my head down on the table. 

"I'm back with the food and drinks!" He said, placing the food-filled trays down on the wooden table. 

"Thank you" I mumbled, picking up a burrito, taking a bite out of it.

We talked and ate and flirted for a while before some girl about our age came over to us.

"Hello! Do you need something?" My tall boyfriend spoke. 

"Uhmm yeah! Are you single by any chance?" She leaned on to the table to make her boobs look big, winking at (M/N). I visibly cringed, as (M/N) laughed uncomfortably, sliding farther away from her in his chair. 

"Sorry. I'm not." He rubbed the back of his head.

"Well. I'm probably better than her! Who is she?" She bragged, getting desperate.

"He." (M/N) corrected, as I continued eating, knowing (M/N) loved me. He wouldn't cheat, especially with Barbie. 

"What?" She snapped.

"I'm gay." He responded flatly. I turned to the girl to see her repsonse.

"Eww. You're one of those f*gs!" She screamed. I became visible with rage.

"Excuse you?" I stood up in front of her. 

"You heard me." She stood her ground, most likely because we're the same height. By now everyone was looking at us.

"You shouldn't be talking Barbie wannabe bitch!" I scream in her face.

"Oh whatever." She scoffs.

"Come on (M/N). Let's go!" I grabbed his wrist, yanking him out of the fast food place.

I stomped angrily down the street, as (M/N) walked behind trying to calm me down. 

I opened my door, collapsing on my couch. 

"Hey love?" He whispered, sitting down next to me, rubbing his hand down my back. 

"You're not gonna leave me right?" I whispered, looking over at him.

"No of course not." He pulled me into his lap, rubbing his hands up and down my back.

"Okay." I mumbled, leaning my head into his chest. 

"I love you." He kissed my forehead.

".....I love you too" I sighed, falling asleep.


I hope you enjoyed this Kenma fluff. Please comment or vote to help me grow. Have a good day/night. 

              -Luna ^u^

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