Akaashi Keiji- Opposites Attract

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Warnings: (M/N) is popular and Akaashi isn't

(M/N)'s POV:

I heard girls cheering for me from the bleachers and I only frowned. I hated those girls. They were loud, obnoxious and always around me. I took a backstep and leaned back and pushed the ball out for a three point shot. 

Swish. Nice.

I grinned and my eyes traveled through the crowd quickly, hoping to see a teen that I thought was super cute. Before I could finish, the clock buzzed and we had won. 

To be honest, I didn't really care about basketball, but it was too late to quit. If I quit everyone would call me weird, so I don't have a choice. We all cheered and so did the crowd. We needed  that win to make sure we were in the playoffs. 


I walked out of the locker room, in comfortable sweats, alone. Everyone else had left, including my parents, not that it bothered me. I liked to be alone. The comfort of the empty court was nice as I shot the ball alone. 

It took me a sad five minutes to realize he was in the gym, tucked away in the corner of the bleachers. I looked at him, stunned and walked up to him, climbing the stairs with my tired legs. 

"Hey, Akaashi!" I smiled confidently at him.

"Hey." He looked up with a blank expression on his face, with a very thin smile spread out across his lips. 

"Whatcha doing?" I sat down beside him, praying I didn't smell like absolute shit. 

"Oh just some homework. It's really boring." He chuckled. 

"Damn. Well maybe I could distract you for a while?" I lean closer to him innocently.

"I really need to get this done. Maybe some other time." Akaashi sighed, not looking up from his chemistry homework. 

"Are you sure? I'm very good entertainment." I laughed and playfully hit his shoulder as he let out an exhale in annoyance. 

"Alright my bad. I'll go." 

Akaashi sighed as I got up and began to walk loudly down the metal bleachers.

"Wait, maybe I could use a distraction." 

I smiled and ran back up there quickly, almost like a little girl would run up to a puppy. 

"How may I be of service to you?" I bowed jokingly and chuckled, taking my seat beside him again.

"To be honest I don't know. I just didn't want you to feel bad.." He said quietly, keeping his eyes fixated on the papers on his knees.

"Seriously?" I pouted. "If you really don't want me here, just say so and I'll leave Akaashi."

"No you can stay. I don't mind." He looked up and smiled softly at me.

"Really?" My face lit up and a sat down next to him excitedly.

I watched in content as he worked on his calculus work. Occasionally, my eyes would drift to his lips and his face.

"You're really smart huh." I looked at him, smiling.

"I suppose." He looked up and met my gaze. I blushed and couldn't help but look down at his lips and then back at his enchanting eyes.

He obviously noticed, "is there something on my lips?"

I swallowed loudly, Adams apple bobbing up and down, blush coating my face.

"Uhmm no, sorry." I averted my eyes to the floor.

"(M/N)." Akaashi said sternly. Immediately, I looked at him, a nervous expression plastered on me.

"What's wro-" Before I could continue, Akaashi's hands were grabbing my face,  smashing his lips against mine, in a rough yet gentle way.

My eyes widened as he pulled back.

"Akaashi, I" I touched my lips as they tingled.

"You have a crush on me. You're very obvious." He said bluntly, making me wince in embarrassment.

"It's really that obvious?" I whispered, barely audible.

"Yes, but I like you, too."

I looked up instantly. "Really?"

He simply nods, faintly blushing.

"Akaashi." I glanced down at his lips again, pleading to kiss him.

"Go ahead." He smiled slightly, more than I've ever seen him smile.

I cautiously put my lips on his, working them softly together.

He pulled away first.

"Can I be your boyfriend?" I pleaded, hands resting on his knees.

"Yeah." He smiled for real, which made my heart throb.

"Your smile is beautiful, Akaashi."

"Thank you." He blushed, making a smile creep onto my face.

I guess when they say opposites attract they aren't wrong.


Sorry I've been gone forever! I really have no excuse, just life ig. Anyway, thanks for reading and being patient with me! I love you all. Also 10k?! That's unreal! I never thought I would get there! Thanks to everyone who supports me!
        - Luna 😭🫶

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