Goshiki Tsutomu- Cat Distribution Center

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Warnings: None

Goshiki's POV:

I held (M/N)'s hand, as we walked through the crowded streets of Miyagi. 

"Tsu, I was wondering if we can get a cat for our apartment?" (M/N) asked me. 

(M/N) and I have lived in the same apartment for a year, off campus for college. 

"I mean I'm down babe. Cats are really cute." I agreed, kissing his head, as I was about 2 inches taller. 

"Yess. " He smiled, gripping my hand tightly in thanks.

The noises, smells, and chatter from around relaxed me. I directed us around the town, stopping at a small smoothie shop. 

"Do you want smoothies as dessert? Please say yes?" I tried to convince him, hoping he'd say yes. 

"Sure. Only if you're paying though, I'm still paying off the apartment." He groaned exasperatedly, waving his hand.

"Okay!" I smiled at him, seeing his face turn pink. It makes me happy that I can still make him blush like we just started dating. The whole thought made me smile, as (M/N) grabbed my cold hands, and led me into the shop. He sat a metal high table, and struggled to get onto the stool, and I chuckled, walking up to the register. 

"One small strawberry and one small mango please." He spoke politely.

"Okay. Your total will be $10.50 (sorry I don't know how yen works so im just using dollars sorry)." The worker spoke in a boring tone. I handed her my card, paying for the food. 

After our smoothies came out, we left, drinking the smoothies as we walked. I tossed the empty smoothie into a nearby trash can and there it was. I  squealed. (M/N) crept over to me, looking over my shoulder, sipping at his cold smoothie. I was frozen, a bright smile appearing on my face. 

"Awee, she's so cute!" (M/N) bent down, throwing the smoothie out on the way down. I stood beside him, leaning my hand on his right shoulder. 

"We're taking her home right now." He  whispered, looking up at me, smiling, trying not to startle the kitten.

"Okay babe." I chuckled, luckily we were close to our apartments, so we brought her home quickly.

I watched from the bathroom counter as the (h/c) boy washed the kitten in lukewarm bath water. He shrieked and laughed as the kitten shook, flinging water all over him. 

"Ahh!" he screamed, water nailing him in the eye, though never dropping the poor cat. 

I smiled happily, watching the love of my life clean our very first child. 

Thank you, cat distribution center.


Thanks for reading this short fluffy story with bad bangs baby Goshiki. Please vote or comment to help me grow! Have a wonderful day/night, and don't forget to take time for yourself. I love you all!  

                 -Luna <3

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