Iwaizumi Hajime- Thank You

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Warning: Adult Au, Reunion

Iwa's POV:

"Honey! Are you ready to go?! Misaka come on!" I shouted from the doorway, hoping they would come down.

"I'm coming daddy!" Misaka ran down the stairs in her little blue dress. She ran to me and jumped into my arms. "I'm here!" She giggled, as I smiled, holding her with my arm. She laid her head on my shoulder as I rubbed her back.

"Sorry Hajime. I couldn't find the shoes." (M/N) said, walking towards me, down the stairs. 

"Dad!" Misaka ran to (M/N). 

"Hi princess. Let's go. You get to see Uncle Oiks." (M/N) smiled, bending down towards our daughter.

"Yay!" She cheered, running out the door, earning a happy smile from each of us.

"Thanks for coming!" I whispered.

"It's okay." He smiled, kissing my cheek, before leaving the house to get Misaka situated in the car. 

~Timeskip- at Oikawa's house~

As I drove up to the house, I was met with a full street of cars. I sighed, finding a place to squeeze the car, before shutting it off.

"Are you ready?" I grabbed his hand, gripping it lightly. He nodded with a smile, before hopping out of the car to help Misaka.

After getting her out of the car, we walked up to the door and rang the door bell. (M/N) sighed nervously, holding his daughter's hand. The door swung open and we were met with Kunimi Akira.

"Oh hey Iwaizumi. Come in" He welcomed us in, being met with faint chatter and music. I nodded, leading us inside. 

"Hey Kunimi. How are you?" I asked, as he looked down at Misaka who hid behind (M/N)'s leg. 

"I'm good. Kindaichi and I are dating, but who's this?" He smiled subtly. 

"This is Misaka my daughter. Misaka this is Kunimi, my friend." I answered, bending down to pick her up, as she hid her head in my neck. (M/N) laughed awkwardly. I glanced over at Kunimi. 

"Well I've got other people to see, so it was nice seeing you." I spoke, rubbing Misaka's back. He nodded back at me, before walking over to Hinata and Goshiki, who were laughing loudly at something.

(M/N) exhaled shakily as I led him into the kitchen. My eyes darted back and forth, seeing Oikawa, Kuroo, Daichi, Kenma, and Tanaka. I mentally face-palmed, before taking a step forward. 

"Uncle Oikawa!" Misaka jumped from my arms and hugged his leg, earning a few weird glances from everyone, but Oikawa obviously.

"Hey Misaka. Where are you dads?" He asked, picking her up. 

"Over there!" She giggled, pointing at us standing in the doorway. 

"Hajime! (M/N)! How are you?" Oikawa, left the others at the kitchen island, walking over to us. 

"I've been better." (M/N) sighed, overwhelmed by the amount of people in the house.

"We're good, but we can't stay long." I spoke honestly, feeling guilty about it. 

"It's okay!" 

~Timeskip- 10pm at Oikawa's house~

"Oikawa! We're leaving now!" I shouted over to Oikawa, who waved happily, letting us leave. 

We walked to the car, (M/N) carrying Misaka. 

"Thank you." I thanked, starting up the car. 

"No worries. Let's just go home. I'm exhausted." (M/N) groaned, earning a chuckle from me. 

After we got home and went to put Misaka to bed, we changed and layed down. (M/N) cuddled up to me, digging his head into my chest. I laughed, kissing his head, falling asleep to his slowed breathing. 

'Thank you'


Thank you for reading this boring oneshot off Iwa-chan. Please comment and vote. I hope you all have a good day/night. 

                     - Luna >3<'''

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