Daishou Suguru- It's Kuroo Right?

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Warnings: Angst, Daishou being in love with the wrong person, Cheating,  Forgiving (M/N)

Third Person POV:

"Hey babe!" Daishou ran up to his tired boyfriend, who was currently standing at his locker.

"Hey Suguru."  He kissed Daishou's cheek quickly, trying not to gain attention from the toxic teenagers around them.

"I was wondering if we could go on a date today, after school obviously." The green haired boy laughed heartily, though nothing funny was said. 

"Yeah sure I don't mind. Where should we go." (M/N) shut his locker door, asking his enthusiastic boyfriend a question in return.

"Can we go to the carnival that's in town right now?" Daishou gripped his boyfriend's shoulder with excitement. 

"Sure. Why not." He shrugged, earning a happy hug from his slightly shorter boyfriend.

"Okay. Let's meet at the gate after school then?" Suguru shot finger guns at (L/N) as a joke. 

"Yep I'll see you then Suguru." (M/N) kissed his boyfriend's lips briefly before walking away to his next class.

(M/N) never failed to make Daishou blush. He loved (M/N) and (M/N) loved him. They both knew that, but deep down Daishou still had feelings for his ex, Kuroo Tetsuro. Sure he was fine and smart, but he'd moved on, surely. At least that's what Suguru hoped. Occasionally, he thinks of Kuroo when he's with (M/N) and wishes he was still with him. 

He shook those thoughts out of his head, walking away towards his class. 


Daishou ran up to (M/N) who stared down at his phone leaning awkwardly against a tree. 

"You ready." (M/N) looked down at his lover with soft eyes, smiling slightly.

"Yes. Let's go." The captain grabbed his lover's hand, mouth stretching into a large. 

Fortunately from them the carnival was located at the fire department which happened to be two blocks, a walkable distance for them, especially since they were both in decent shape. 

We walked hand in hand, passing the carnival games, scoping out the place, moving on to rides and food. (M/N) sat down at a table, Suguru right across from him. They ate icecream, laughing about some stupid thing Daishou's friend said. 

Daishou reached for one of (M/N)'s hands that was resting on the wooden table between them. (M/N) talked passionately about some random topic when Daishou zoned out, seeing a person he'd thought he'd  never see again. 

"I'm going to the bathroom." Daishou spoke suddenly, disappearing so fast (M/N) didn't even blink. 

"O..kay" (M/N) wasn't necessarily weirded out by the snake's sudden actions. (M/N)'s convinced he's got ADHD, but his quick disappearance made him nervous, now alone at a carnival with hundreds of people.


Daishou followed Kuroo who happened to be alone to his surprise. A short brunette always used to get in the way of their past relationship. Maybe their friendship ended? Eh it doesn't matter now does it.

"Hey Kuroo." Daishou shouted, earning the attention of the tall male in front of him.

"Suguru! How are you?" He pulled Daishou in for a hug.

"I've been great. You?" He returned the question quickly, drifting their bodies to a more private area. 

The two caught up behind the stalls, luckily being alone, afraid of what (M/N) might say. 

"Suguru." Tetsuro spoke seriously. 

"Yes." Daishou flashed him a loving smile, the same smile that was reserved for his boyfriend.

"I think I might still like you." He looked down, light blush covering his cheeks.

"I-I." The Nohebi boy smiled up at Kuroo, blush also coating his neck up to his ears.

Before he could say anything, Kuroo kissed him. Daishou kissed back, completely forgetting the fact that he had a boyfriend and neglected to tell Kuroo that. 

Suguru pulled away smiling, remembering something important, (M/N), who he'd left alone and confused. 

"I've got to go, but I think I like you too. Just text me." Daishou spoke fast, leaving quickly, returning to his lonely partner. 


"Hey you're back what took you so long?" (M/N) asked, though having a thought of what might've happened, praying he'd tell the truth as he noticed Kuroo who happened to be alone at the carnival.

"The bathroom l-line was r-really long." He stuttered, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, feeling bad he was lying to his lover. He'd never planned to cheat, let alone see Kuroo again. 

"Tell me the truth. It's Kuroo right?" He demanded, a soft look on his face.

"I'm sorry we kissed. I don't know what happened." Suguru confessed, tears threatening to spill.

"Okay Suguru it's fine. Clearly you still love him, more than you've ever loved me." (M/N) spoke softly, eyes watering. 

"No (M/N), I swear please." He begged, tears falling from his eyes.

"Goodbye Suguru, treat him well." (M/N) walked away, tears wetting his cheeks. 


Thank you for reading this semi-sad oneshot with Daishou. I'm lowkey a DaiKuroo shipper, that's why I picked him. Please stay safe and healthy. Have a good day/night everyone! LOVE YA!!

                   - Luna 😋

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