Kita Shinsuke- Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater

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Warnings:  Angst, Cheater Kita, AranKita

(M/N)'s POV:

I smiled, holding my boyfriend's hand as we walked to my house. Today was our anniversary of 1 year dating. We were going to have a sleepover and I was going to present him a gift. It was a photo album of all of the pictures we took together.

"Are you excited for tonight." I looked over at him, his interest clearly in something else.  I groaned, tilting my head back, annoyed by his distant behavior.

" What's with you?" He snapped at me.

"Nothing I'm just excited!" I rolled my eyes, slipping my hand out from his, no reaction coming from him.


I put a horror movie on, knowing he loved them. He laid beside me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I love you Shinsuke." I whispered into his ear, a content exhale leaving his mouth as I smiled into his hair.

"I got you a gift babe." He mumbled, lifting himself off the bed, reaching in to his bag that was placed on the floor by my door.

" Ooh what is it?" My interest shifting the gray haired male, standing on the other side of the room.

He pulled a small box out from behind his back. He opened it, pulling a matching pair of rings out of the cushioning. 

"Promise rings." He pushed one of the rings onto my finger.

"Because I promise to not break your heart. " He continued, placing a chaste kiss to my lips. 

"Thank you. I love it," bringing my hand closer to my face so I could get a good look at it. 

"Anything for you love." He kissed my hand, making me blush. 

"I also bought you a gift." I smiled, opening my closet door, reaching up to the top shelf, grabbing the photo album.

"Here" I gave it to him, receiving a small smile in return. 

"I love it. Thank you (M/N). Happy one year anniversary. " he kissed me, pulling me in by the waist. 

"I love you." I kissed his forehead, arms wrapped around his neck.

"I love you too. Lets continue that movie shall we." He spoke, leading me back to the bed, crawling under the covers, pulling me closer to him.


Third Person POV:

Around 10:30, Kita had passed out, leaving (M/N) to his own devices. He laid, his head pressed against the headboard, Kita's head on his chest. (M/N) ran his fingers through the gray-haired males hair. 

The (h/c) boy smiled contently, though quickly becoming distracted by a loud buzzing going off on his lover's phone. He trusted Kita and didn't want to pry, but he became suspicious after the buzzing continued consistantly for almost 2 minutes. 

He grabbed Kita's phone, noticing his new texts from Aran, his best friend.

Aran: Hey Kita.

Aran: Hello?!

Aran: You there?

Aran: Shinsuke. Pls answer

Aran: PLS

(M/N) felt his heart twinge, seeing 'Shinsuke' show up in his texts. His curiousity got the best of him, as he felt his thumbs begin to answer.

Kita: What's Up.

Aran: Finally god i was wondering what was going on with u

Kita: Sorry. I was just hanging out with (M/N).

Aran: Seriously still!?

'What does he mean by 'still.' 

(M/N) needed an answer, guilt running through him as he looked down at his peaceful boyfriend. Though he couldn't find it in himself to stop. He really wanted to know. 

'Fuck it. Sorry Shinsuke.'

Kita: Yeah what about it?

Aran: i thought you were going to break up with him?!

Aran: for me remember?!


(M/N)'s heart dropped, his eyes watered, looking down at his sleeping lover.

'Kita wouldn't cheat would he?'

Carefully, (M/N) shook his sleeping boyfriend, waking him up from his slumber. He rubbed his eyes sitting up.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked in a concerned tone, noticing his lover's watering eyes.

"Are you cheating on me?" He asked seriously, glancing at Kita's phone he put down previously.

"What?!" His eyes widened in shock.

'How did he find out?'

"I said, are you cheating on me?" He repeated himself, eyes piercing through Kita's nervous ones.

"N-no! Why would you think that?" Kita said, stuttering through his words, avoiding (M/N)'s nervous glare.

"Look at me and tell me the truth. Are you cheating on me?" He repeated yet again, hoping for honesty this time, tears beginning to fall from his eyes. 

"I-I uhmm." He couldn't tell him the truth, heart breaking at his boyfriend's chaotic state. 

"Get out." He demanded, as the tears continued to fall.

"What?" I mumbled, stumbling out of the bed. 

"I said get out, we're done Shinsuke." He pushed him towards his own door. 

"I'm sorry! Please it was never serious. " He begged, tears now falling down his puffy red cheeks. 

"How long?" He asked, fists tightening into a ball, staring down at the beige carpet. 

"3 months." He mumbled, loudly enough for (M/N) to hear.

"3 Months! God! Fuck you Kita!" I sobbed, tugging at my hair in frustration.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, grabbing his bag.

"Take this on your way out." (M/N) pulled the ring off his finger throwing it at Kita, his eyes widening tears falling fast. 

Kita sighed, taking the ring, leaving his sobbing ex behind. 

"FUCK!" I hate this!" He looked at the photo album on his desk throwing it into the trash can beside his desk. 

'I really loved you.'

'I'm sorry (M/N).'


Sorry for more angst. I promise the next one won't be angst. I love you all! I hope you all have a fun day/night!

             - Luna >:O

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